Next Dead PF: Templar's Verdict Knight

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My guess is the tease is taken from the area inside the circle of the photo below....I suspect you, and I , will be very happy tomorrow. :yess:


Can somebody find a higher res image to show that the chain mail does not have a hex pattern? I don't have access to my camera right now to prove that it doesn't match up.
I think in their desperation they missed your other post. :lol
Nope. I just pulled out my 2011 calendar with a large image of the statue, and this teaser pic does not match. Not only is the hexagon pattern not there at all, but the red portion should be fabric like on the PF. However, it is clearly sculpted.

I'd add that everything in the pic looks sculpted and you'd think that for this to qualify as a PF, there'd have to be fabric elements.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to convey. If it's what they're hoping for then the portion along the bottom would be the torn red stained tunic... which should be real fabric, but in the blown up teaser image it is clearly sculpted.

The messed up part of this dialogue is that I don't even care about this statue at all. I just want to know what the teaser image is of.
Can somebody find a higher res image to show that the chain mail does not have a hex pattern? I don't have access to my camera right now to prove that it doesn't match up.

You might be onto something...I guess we'll find out for sure tomorrow. I couldn't tell from the photo's how much, if any, of the PF clothing outside of the hood is sculpted. And the area under the left arm would definitely have to be sculpted in order for the tease to fit. Either way, we will see this PF in less than two weeks time. :lecture

I think in their desperation they missed your other post. :lol

Yeah, that must have been it....desperation. :slap
I'm not convinced it's the Dead Templar even though I really want it to be. The translucent material on the bottom left of the teaser wouldn't make sense on a on this piece, I wouldn't think...

Yeah its for sure not the Templar. That sash would be cloth if this was a PF. Plus that hexagon pattern is totally not chain mail.
So then were back to square one; besides Predator, what could have that "netting" looking material? The red stuff is making it difficult.
I don't think so, the red thing doesn't appear on any of the Preds and the direction of the hectagons is going the wrong direction.
my last guess will be.........that's part of the base on the dead space maquette :dunno

Edit: I was way the ____ off
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Well that mystery has now been solved. It's a Ceremonial Predator Mask. :(

I must admit, I didn't see this one coming......:lol Now where's the Templar's Verdict PF? :impatient: