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And I would use the case of Gimli to back up my statement. We are now over four years into your LOTR licence and have 30 PF's, LSB's and dio's "in the books" [I have included the three yet to be released pre-orders: Legolas PF, KOTD and Sauron dio's, as well as, the sneak peak Gandalf the Grey PF]. Yet in all that time, and with all these products available we don't have a single representation of Gimli in any form. And I would bet my bottom dollar he has to be one of the most frequently requested characters by LOTR collectors over the past few years. Yet here we are four+ years later with absolutely nothing to show for our requests of this popular and intrical "Fellowship" character.

Why no love for Gimli Sideshow?
Since the Aragorn PF, SS has been releasing 2 "goodies" followed by 2 "baddies" (Aragorn/Galadriel, Moria Orc/Beserker, Legolas/GTG). If they continue with that, we could see 2 baddies next. I have a feeling that it could be Ringwraith, followed by Saruman.

What we would be incredibly awesome is if it was a Ringwraith followed by Mouth of Sauron ON STEED (since I remember them mentioning a PF with a horse in one of their "Sideshow Answers" sections) OR Twilight Witchking. :naughty
Since the Aragorn PF, SS has been releasing 2 "goodies" followed by 2 "baddies" (Aragorn/Galadriel, Moria Orc/Beserker, Legolas/GTG). If they continue with that, we could see 2 baddies next. I have a feeling that it could be Ringwraith, followed by Saruman.

What we would be incredibly awesome is if it was a Ringwraith followed by Mouth of Sauron ON STEED (since I remember them mentioning a PF with a horse in one of their "Sideshow Answers" sections) OR Twilight Witchking. :naughty

Very promising news from today's [July 9/09] "Ask Sideshow" segment.

Question : I know this might be a long shot, but can you shed a little light on a question a lot of us have? Is there a Ringwraith, Witchking, Saruman, and/or Mouth of Sauron Premium Formats in the works?

Answer : Yes, possibly, maybe, and not at this time, in that order.

Though SS has said a horse and rider [or perhaps several horse and riders] is on the horizon, the MOS doesn't appear to be one of them. :(

I'm predicting the Ringwraith, followed by Boromir.
Like every LOTR line, there seems to be a hardon (forgive the terminology) with "completing the Fellowship" and using FOTR designs for characters first and foremost. I personally hate this practice as imo Fellowship has some of the most plain jane designs in the trilogy. The PF line really needs to step up and have something jazzy and unfamiliar with high end products, and for LOTR that means heroic armored figures. An armored Theoden, Elendil, or High Elven Prologue infantry soldier would be amazing in the PF format, miles above yet another Legolas and his green tunic. Not that most of their releases haven't been spectacular (The villains and Gandalf the Grey especially look phenominal), but it was a TRILOGY, how about some TTT and ROTK love in regards to heroes. Yes there was Gandalf the White, but how about a lesser represented character. My hope is that when a Boromir IS announced, its his Osgiliath armor with the flag. Now that would be a centerpiece.
Like every LOTR line, there seems to be a hardon (forgive the terminology) with "completing the Fellowship" and using FOTR designs for characters first and foremost. ....QUOTE]

Strange terminology :lol

I would love to see the likes of Gil-galad, Haldir, Fountain Guards in PF as well as Grishnak, Orc Lieutenant, Uruk and HE archers. But given that Sideshow can suddenly drop a range or line and their apparent reluctance to commit to what characters they have lined up (They have the liscense. What's the problem?) I would want the core characters of the Fellowship first, including Boromir in his emmisary attire with shield and cloak before any of these side characters (in relation to the films). Boromir in armour is just another knight of Gondor and that image was only a special edition glimpse, great as it was.
Boromir in armour is just another knight of Gondor and that image was only a special edition glimpse, great as it was.

But at least as a knight of Gondor he was representative of Gondor in the later films, not just plain clothes Boromir. And frankly since the chances of getting ANY armored Gondorian of any style is highly unlikely, I think it'd be the best choice. But you're right in guessing how long a line can last, which is probably why there's about 4 to 5 lines of uncompleted Fellowships, and instead of getting any visually interesting characters, these lines are filled with the same Gandalfs, Legolas', Aragorns and Frodos in the same old boring greens and greys.

But lest we forget what is probably the real issue here, in that Sideshow's probably at a complete impasse with how to do Chainmaille affordably in 1/4th scale. Which rules out 90% of all armored characters until they figure it out, if ever. In the meantime I'll be happy with a standard Boromir or Gimli (really would love a Gimli), But when they start whipping out Pippin over Theoden or Mouth of Sauron, it's gonna get
We didn't get the fellowship in 1/6, so we'd like to see it in PF. As for boring, well, to each his own, I don't find any of them boring. I'm all for other characters being made as well. I'd probably get any LotR PF.

As for chainmail, you can actual buy "sheets" of it for kitbashing, so believe me, SS can make it.
i agree, i think most of the collectors here, if not all, likes to display their lotr pf's together. so having boromir in his gondorian armor would totally look off. besides, a boromir in gondorian armor isn't too boromir-ish to most of us. a boromir in his moria outfit with a sheild would be the best interpretation of him.

as for the rest of the fellowship being done in the pf line, well let's just hope ss gets them done. i'm one with those wishing for a completed fellowship, it's just a matter of how ss executes the hobbits if they're gonna sell well.

and lastly, please stop comparing the pf line with 12" figures. they're just not, and i repeat, NOT, at the same level. as woodsy puts it, 12" --> dolls; pf --> collectibles.:naughty
Joking aside, I can still sympathise with the 12" figure collectors in that a set of Fellowship figures would be the least you would get in that particular line with other characters to follow. Be it poseable, highly accessorised 'dolls' or fixed, highly detailed 'figurines', each range deserves the core characters in at least. And that should apply to all genre's involving specific groups or teams.

I fully support the calls for Gimli and Boromir PF's which seem to be the main ones being aired on different forums, but still ask all those seeking a full Fellowship to add that request along with their prefered character .:family
It has been said "history teaches us that we rarely learn from our mistakes". I think those "thinking outside the box" in promoting a Gondorian Boromir either weren't around, or simply forget how badly the poopin Pippin went over. That was perhaps the biggest failing of the SSW line, no complete fellowship attire.

I don't have the slightest problem with a Gondorian Boromir PF, after we get a fellowship Boromir, and after we get another 20+ other PF's before we start seeing duplicates of characters.
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