If it is true that they will release a female character next (or next but one), and unfortunately it does look like this is the case, then this decision ranks alongside the famous "I know, lets make Pippin in Gondorian armour so he doesn't match the rest of the Fellowship" decision for outright stupidity. Yes, there were a few people who loved the idea of Pippin in Gondorian armour, but the majority wanted him in Fellowship garb, and only bought the statue when they realised that a Fellowship Pippin was never going to see the light of day. So there will be a few (as evidenced on this board) that will be delighted to see a female PF - thats fine, I'm happy for you. However, the reality is that many people will be hugely disappointed, and another nail will have been sunk in the coffin that the PF line is (all too quickly) becoming. In case nobody is looking at SS, you can still pick up Eowyn, Galadriel (and if you look hard enough, Arwen) in retail stores or even cheaper on E-Bay. I don't care if this has been in production for months, concentrate on something more interesting and shelve the female character until we've had some life injected back into the PF line.
I can think of AT LEAST 10 characters that I'd like to see done before they even consider one of the females. Ringwraith, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Gandalf the Grey, Theoden, Eomer, Moria Orc (or any other orc for that matter), Gondorian Guard, Armoured Elf, King of the Dead, Mouth of Sauron - the list goes on and somewhere down at the bottom I might consider a female.... maybe