Agreed 100% on the power of nostalgia. Had TFA not been a direct sequel to ROTJ there's absolutely no way it would have grossed $2 Billion in one month.
I agree with that. The same can also be said for the success of JURASSIC WORLD.
Agreed 100% on the power of nostalgia. Had TFA not been a direct sequel to ROTJ there's absolutely no way it would have grossed $2 Billion in one month.
There's another angle to this I haven't seen discussed here yet. And that's this: Now, more than ever, Lucasfilm & Disney understand the power and appeal of nostalgia, particularly when it comes to STAR WARS. Some believe (and I tend to agree) that there is value is letting certain things simmer down for a while in order to re-build mystique and then tap into any nostalgic connection it may have when it returns. The Prequels/Clone Wars have been so ubiquitous for the past 16 years that it's hard to get or feel nostalgic about any of it. LFL sees and understands this, too. It's not an evil, malevolent intention to bury the prequels forever... They'd just like to slow that way down for a while in order to gauge its true long-term appeal within the zeitgeist. If PT stuff demand grows, it'll return in a big way. But, again, not likely for at least 5 years or so. Until then, it'll continue the new normal: it'll trickle out.
I agree with that. The same can also be said for the success of JURASSIC WORLD.
Wor-Gar comes in at the end to break it up and put the kids to bed.
No, but this argument is a bit like the blue/brown Han coat. People just have different viewpoints, like old Ben said.
It's ironic because the one place that spreads more misinformation that anything else -- the internet -- is also the first place people scream "source" for proof. Of course, they will also pick-and-choose what "source" they believe, so what's the point?
No matter what you presented in your argument, someone would deny its authenticity. If you present an article that states "Disney is holding back on PT", then the other person will simply then question that author, or that source, or say that's one article and provide another that says the opposite.
No, but this argument is a bit like the blue/brown Han coat. People just have different viewpoints, like old Ben said.
I hope it's a Battle Droid or Nute Gunray.
I do think it's interesting that in the kids' section at Barnes & Noble they have two Star Wars shelves; one labeled "Original Trilogy" and one labeled "The Force Awakens."
Also there was that one "the circle is now complete" Walmart ad narrated by James Earl Jones. Where they had the flashback to 1983 with the kid getting the Luke figure and then him grown up giving his daughter the Lego TIE. Kind of funny that even the toy marketing was acting like there have been no SW films since ROTJ.![]()
And when was the last time we saw a clone from Sideshow? Bomb trooper?
SSC unveiled TPM Darth Maul just two months ago.