But the main question is ... where are Bothans?!
But the main question is ... where are Bothans?!
Wasn't that the second Deathstar in Jedi?
I believe you're correct. The Rebels don't get the plans in A New Hope until they get a hold of R2. I don't recall the Bothans being mentioned in the first film.
Many Bothans died getting the Second Death Star plans.
Where was Mothma in ANH? Captured? Maybe we'll get a spin off.
Where was Mothma in ANH? Captured? Maybe we'll get a spin off.
That sounds exciting. Mon Mothma was always such an exciting action figure, second only to General Madine, with his pointer and removable beard.
Where's all the freeze frames of the troops???
I just noticed the new "tank trooper". Oh my, i hope HT will not focus (only) on that.
View attachment 257408
Madine sounds like he could really liven up a Halloween party
Hopefully they'll wait until this Mothma actress is much older and team her up with Akbar and a new madine for an Expendables type movie.
As soon as a Rouge One poster is available (I will use the teaser for now)
I have my first signing on a Rouge One film cell...........of course I have no film cells yet!
What about Rogue One though...?