You'll get Rogue One figures and you'll like them.
Incidentally, I'm not tired of HT figures, I'm tired of whiners and complainers repeating ad nauseam some trite BS.
Hot Toys will never finish an OT Star Wars line*, no matter how many wet dreams fan boys have. If you want a complete line you'll have to buy from multiple manufacturers, that's just the way it is and harping in every thread to the contrary isn't going to change that.
* people in the know have already mentioned multiple times how many characters to expect from the other movies - now they no longer post about it because of the fan boys mentioned above not liking the information and having fits.
Hot Toys will finish the line. We already know there is a Emperor/Luke from ROTJ and Yoda/Luke from ESB on the way. That is coming from people "in the know" like Jack. No one else has said Hot Toys has ended the OT line. Just because there is a delay in announcements.. doesn't mean the line is dead. Look at Drax. Look at Nick Fury from TWS.
If those OT figures from ESB/ROTJ sell good (which they will), we will see more OT figure like Royal Guards, Ewoks (surprisingly there is a demand), Vader, droids, more trooper variants, Bespin/Hoth/Endor Luke/Han/Leia. Disney will want those made just as much as Hot Toys.
PT figures before the remainder in TFA or starting the RO line?

x 1000
I never said that. I said PT/OT/TFA figures before Rogue One. Really, it should be TFA first, then OT, then PT. Then RO. ROTS would outsell Rogue One in a heartbeat in regards to figures. I would bet money on it.
1. PT has already had much more representation in 1/6 than it ever deserved - it isn't going to start deserving more now that new movies (better movies) are being made/released. HT would be wasting resources to produce anything from the PT. Plain and simple.
No. There are figures from the PT like Anakin and Kenobi that would sell just as good as the OT figures. It isn't a waste of resources, which is just foolish to suggest.
2. OT has seen the release of the *most* significant characters already and additional ones (and versions) continue to be released - OT is "appropriately" represented by all sane accounts right now.
No. You seem to forget what OT means... Original
Trilogy. How can you say it is appropriately represented when we only have two figures from ESB/ROTJ? You are wrong. We still need ROTJ Emperor/Luke/Han/Leia/Vader. We still need ESB Luke/Yoda/Han/Leia/droids.
3. TFA has had a flurry of releases in the past year and most collectors can't keep up - you can be sure there will be more figures going forward.
I know. It is just that TFA figures (and OT/PT) should come before Rogue One.
Has HT ever waited to do anything with any particular line at the expense of introducing figures from another? Don't bother answering, I'll spell it out for you: N O. If they waited to release another 30 figures for OT/TFA before RO they'd be missing the boat. HT seems to like to "strike while the iron's hot" for new properties - not likely to change for RO.
You don't really know that answer. Neither do I.
What did those people in the know say? I know Jack Bauer said there would be a Luke and Yoda from ESB and Emperor and Jedi Luke from ROTJ. Would you mind saying what other information they've given?
As for the rest of your post, I'd be surprised if Disney passed up the chance to sell more figures from other movies. It kind of goes against the grain of everything else they've done with Star Wars for them not to exploit HT's licence to the hilt. I could see them advising HT to take a break here and there from the OT to allow ST figures to be sold, but we've already seen a second run of some Ot figures which is unprecedented. What do you think?