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Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

hmm forgot about the exlcusive...what could it be?

maybe a version with a saber that actually lights up?
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

could it be a broken saber, like the 12" fig? or change o head?
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Buttmunch said:
I know this sounds far fetched, but you don't think Maul's exclusive will be the Chess Table do you? Sound weird, but it is also weird to show the Chess set and not say who or what it is coming with or even its scale. Perhaps all PF figures will be getting ANH exclusive accessories this year? Its a possible answer if it indeed comes with Maul.

If it is 1:6 scale, who or what is it apart of? Chewie? R2? Falcon environment?

Yeah it's weird to show the chess table without some info, but then again it's weird that the magazine doesn't have proper grammar:
Also look for the chess set that Chewbacca and R2D2 from A New Hope.

So for that case, I would say that it's not the exclusive.
And a robed version wouldn't make sense in that pose. Maybe the exclusive is a battle droid torso that he threw into the door controls.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Buttmunch said:
Thats because they waited to do the SDCC Luke with the poncho and hat.

i was thinking that but how come 12" Anakin came with one?
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

TOE said:
i was thinking that but how come 12" Anakin came with one?

SDCC Vader was a last minute exclusive to replace Kit Fisto (who was the original SDCC 06 exclusive). Plus every SW figure has had an exclusive version some way or another.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Ok I dont know what to think. I have been out of the loop today and this is a rush of info.
I like Maul he look pretty good.
Can someone please scan both pages from Tomart.

The chess table I dont know what to think

Over all is there anything else I have missed.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...


Wow. Maybe the exclusive will be a rose to stick in his mouth? Based on these pics the 12 inch Maul owns the PF.

All I have to say now is MORE CHESS SET IN 2007!!!

:rock :rock :rock :rock
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

IMO, this stance would have been more significant:


...and perhaps later, have OBi-wan and Qui-gon PF to go along with it.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Boy was I surprised to read this news when I logged on here today! Judging from the two pics we've seen so far I'm not really sure what to think. There's definitely something a little "off" with the mouth and teeth, but I think the finished product will have that rectified. As for the pose, I think a 1/4 scale Maul would look good no matter what pose they use so that doesn't really concern me a bunch. I'm looking forward to seeing much better pics so I can decide whether or not I want to add this piece to my collection, but if I had to put odds on it right now I'd say there's a 75% chance I'll be picking this one up.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Khev said:
Maybe the exclusive will be a rose to stick in his mouth?

Dang that made me laugh out loud Khev. Too funny!

Really though, he looks like a fine figure, the pose will certainly look incredibly dynamic when seen amongst the other PF's. I'll decide for myself, because I'M GOING TO SDCC THIS YEAR!!!!

Yeah I just found out my brother wants to go, and since I'll be home in Orange County for the summer, I'm getting everything planned to be there! This will be so sweet.........

Back on topic though, his head looks a little shiny, and obviously plastic. I'm sure they'll fix that though.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

TOE said:
IMO, this stance would have been more significant:


...and perhaps later, have OBi-wan and Qui-gon PF to go along with it.

This is exactly what I wanted.

What I'm getting, though, is enough. :D
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

dammit! i thought i was thru w/ the SW PFs, but Maul looks amazing! i love the pose. i was worried the positioning of his saber would require a huge amount of display space like say Grievous, but this pose angles the saber at such an angle to keep the space needed it just looks so @#$%^&* bad ass!
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Monk said:
This is exactly what I wanted.

What I'm getting, though, is enough. :D
Yeah, that pose is what I wanted as well....But, what can you do? As long as the paint is good, I guess I'll be content.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

I think Maul looks pretty good...I can't wait to see more pics.

The chess set has me intrigued. It seems like such an odd thing to show. Could we be seeing R2 soon? Maybe a Chewbacca announcement at SDCC?
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Mookeylama said:
i was worried the positioning of his saber would require a huge amount of display space like say Grievous,
Yeah I was worried about that too, so I'm pleased with this. The pose does look alot like he is dancing or something, but I would image (hope) that in person it looks more like a fighting pose. I think maybe it is the arm in front that makes it look strange, might have been better if they had it in a different position. Oh well, I'll be buying it.

2 weeks to toy fair and I'm already commited to 2 PF's (Elvis and Maul) this could be an expensive four days.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

The Maul PF looks alright but not as impressive as I pictured in my mind's eye. I'll pass but if I find a great deal on eBay then I'll definitely nab it but if not, I'm content with my 12". As for the Chessboard, I'm not sure what scale that is in, the board itself wasn't that small in the film so I have a hard time picturing it in 1/4th....I'm thinking 1/6th and its just macro'd, remember this amount of detail is on a painted proto, it won't look like that in production....Either way If there is a PF Chewie I'm all over it but if it correlates with the Chessboard it'll be Chewie, seated and with his arms behind his head, personally I want my PF Wookie standing with Bowcaster armed!
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

The only reason I said the chess set might be 1/4th is because of the size of the pieces, they have very small limbs with fingers and stuff which would be really hard to produce with molds in 1/6th scale, and they would be really fragile, so that makes me think 1/4th.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Swap a stick for that light saber and he'd be at home on the ice. I swear he's playing ice hockey.