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Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Darth Waller said:

Besides the boots and gloves, the 12incher looks better :lol
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Buttmunch said:
I know this sounds far fetched, but you don't think Maul's exclusive will be the Chess Table do you? Sound weird, but it is also weird to show the Chess set and not say who or what it is coming with or even its scale. Perhaps all PF figures will be getting ANH exclusive accessories this year? Its a possible answer if it indeed comes with Maul.

If it is 1:6 scale, who or what is it apart of? Chewie? R2? Falcon environment?

Sideshow always likes to give us hints... well the chess table can mean 2 things Artoo and Chewie... anyway the speech is not so well written.


I mean, this isn't a complete sentence, "Also look for the chess set that Chewbacca and R2-D2 from A New Hope" something is missing... this could be the complete sentence "Also look for the chess set that comes with the Exclusive Premium Format Figures of Chewbacca and R2-D2 from A New Hope"...
What do you guys think?
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Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

I think Maul looks pretty good. I wish we got this sneering head sculpt for the 1:6 figure, and the more relaxed expression was used on the Premium Format version with a more relaxed pose.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

I don't understand those that are saying this face sculpt looks good. It looks nothing like Parks. The 1/6 sculpt is a much closer sculpt, which is very odd.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Remember when Ray Park did that little dance in tribute to Maul in the first X-Men?

He finished it in this exact pose. Apparently both he and Bryan Singer felt it was as iconic as it gets with Maul.

And no -- I feared they would do the twin-blade ignition pose for the PF. It would be a perfectly unreasonable space hog. So I'm overjoyed it didn't happen. Just as I'm overjoyed we didn't get a robed Tatooine Maul or any of those things.

This Maul, full of energy and grinning, is the Maul I wanted. So there, I'm happy. :peace
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Well, I don't collect the 12" line, for one thing...

And for another, I can't remember any time the majority was happy with the initial pictures of a new piece, be it the Sauron statue or the Frodo PF or the Luke 12" or the Iron Man Comiquette. It's a proud forum tradition, innit?
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...


While I also think this pose is better for Maul, it's just that I would really have no place to fit him and his dual-bladed lightsaber. So I can understand the pose they chose. (Hey I'm a poet and didn't even know it):eek:
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Besides the boots and gloves, the 12incher looks better :lol

I must agree with you. :rotfl
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

wofford29 said:
I don't understand those that are saying this face sculpt looks good. It looks nothing like Parks. The 1/6 sculpt is a much closer sculpt, which is very odd.

The PF head resembles that one 12" figure of Maul that looks like he was Barry Bonds's steroid partner. Was it the hasbro maul? hmmm forget which company..
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

As I said in the dedicated chess set thread, it's probably 1/6 because we wouldn't want our PF Chewie in the seated position (and it's unlikely he'd be poseable).
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

I actually like it. It would be way nicer in person too. Still I never really liked Maul, but maybe that was just because of the craptacular film he was associated with. Agreeing with Gru, the only characters I liked at all in the PT were Qui Gon and Maul.
Anyway, you just know these will sell regardless.
Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Coming so closely on the heels of such a fantastic representation of the character in 1/6th form, I can understand the mixed reception the PF might receive. They did such a great job on the 12" Maul that most of us found our hunger for Maul well satisfied only a number of weeks ago.

Being a Star Wars PF completist, it goes without saying that I will order the exclusive the second that he goes on sale.

Any guesses as to what the exclusive might be? I am guessing that they go the Grievous route and make the exclusive indispensible by including his black cloak.

Re: New Tomarts Magazine Says...

Yeah, I am definitely not impressed with this figure. The 1/6th hit the nail on the head and this is not up to par. But who knows, maybe it's just a bad picture.