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Still a has-been. His stats are bloated because their team is constantly throwing the ball instead of running it (Cincy is 4th in passing attempts in the league), and as you say, the ball usually gets thrown to TO there. Add in that he's freakishly big, and probabilistically he's got a better than fair chance of having great numbers.

The only reason their pass numbers look good is because the Bengal's basically play 50 minutes a game far behind in the score.
Exactly. . .which is not an excuse the Saints can give (they pass even more than the Bengals, purely because that is Payton's game plan, regardless what the score is).
Which is sad because last year they had damn near a perfect balance of pass to run, and Brees still had ridiculous stats. Payton has damn near abandoned the run this season.
The 3rd guy (Chris Ivory) has actually played pretty well IMO. He's much better as a traditional running back than Reggie Bush. But Payton isn't patient enough to let the Saints establish the run. I figure he would have learned that balance is important last year, but I'm not so sure. Just because you've got one of the best QBs in the league doesn't mean you should throw the ball 70% of the time.
That tends to happen when your #1 and #2 running backs both are out with injuries.

Even when Thomas and Bush were healthy he gave up on it too quickly, and even like karama says, Payton isn't patient enough with it and just abandons it entirely too soon.
He was a QB, and I think that has something to do with it. But the Saints won last year when he kind of moved away from it. It isn't like this is new. It is what happened a couple years ago when Brees almost matched the single season record for yards thrown, and the Saints missed the playoffs.
Did anyone hear the rant on the Redskins by Chad Dukes? He went off on the Skins and Dan Snyder. Not something you usually hear on sports radio in MD. Generally it's pro Skins around here.
Did anyone hear the rant on the Redskins by Chad Dukes? He went off on the Skins and Dan Snyder. Not something you usually hear on sports radio in MD. Generally it's pro Skins around here.

I heard it right after he got done yelling. As a Giants fan I loved it. :) The entire organization makes no sense what so ever.
Landry is now being investigated by the NFL for spitting on the Eagles center during extra points.

VERY classy of him! First he calls out DeSean for having a concussion and tells him that hes going to put him back to sleep and now this.

I'm surprised Landry was close enough to even spit on an Eagle because he wasn't near one all game. :rock
Landry is now being investigated by the NFL for spitting on the Eagles center during extra points.

VERY classy of him! First he calls out DeSean for having a concussion and tells him that hes going to put him back to sleep and now this.

I'm surprised Landry was close enough to even spit on an Eagle because he wasn't near one all game. :rock

He was probably spitting so much cause he fell on his fat face on the first play of the game. There in lies the problem with the Redskins for the past decade..they love to talk trash and yet can't back it up. Why in god's name is Landry running his mouth before the game even starts? Your team is have no right to talk smack....shut your mouth and play football.
Landry is now being investigated by the NFL for spitting on the Eagles center during extra points.

VERY classy of him! First he calls out DeSean for having a concussion and tells him that hes going to put him back to sleep and now this.

I'm surprised Landry was close enough to even spit on an Eagle because he wasn't near one all game. :rock

I guess he figured it worked for McClain when he spit in Crowder's face so why wouldn't it work for him :dunno
You can't really blame the guy when you put it in perspective. I guess the instinctive revolt of touching a Browns fan outweighs the instinctive protection of one's child.
Well then I guess he should've left his kid there and ran because he was all covered in Brown .... yuck!
The story is horrible. I do wonder what was up with leaving the scene. I understand making sure the family is safe, but to not call the police and instead call the media?
This needs to not be made about football. The truth after all the paint is washed off is that some duchebag ass clown assaulted an 8-year-old child and needs to be thrown in a room with 13 horny 350 pound prison inmates...until the prison inmates a good and done with him.
If I was that kids dad I would have done a lot more then get in the car and drive away quickly.

Also, if I were a Browns fan and I saw this happen I would have jumped on the ****** who did it. The so called "loyalty" people show based on what jersey you're wearing has a time and a place and this was NOT it.
If I was that kids dad I would have done a lot more then get in the car and drive away quickly.

Also, if I were a Browns fan and I saw this happen I would have jumped on the ****** who did it. The so called "loyalty" people show based on what jersey you're wearing has a time and a place and this was NOT it.

Exactly! :clap This clown should have got his ass handed to him by the crowd. I don't know why people are so afraid to intervein anymore. I have no problem stepping into harms way if someone is in need. It's the only decent thing to do. Especially for a child.