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Hate to rain on Dem Sain'ts but the Dirty Birds are going to be flying high into the NFC championship. Don't you know Matt Ryan is the spokesperson of AirTran. But since it will be in the Ga Dome you can go ahead book that ticket to Dallas now.
The first three quarters of that game were boring, but damn good finish. I hope todays games are half as exciting as yesterdays.

Jets @ Pats, now let's get the other three match-ups.
Really? I was expecting the Jets and Seahawks to win. New Orleans and Colts are overrated. Hell the Colts barely made the playoffs, if they didn't turn their season around the last few games.

Right, because who would pick the two teams that were in last years Super Bowl against two struggling teams :cuckoo: How about you proclaim your picks before the games instead waiting until they're over to say you picked them, kid.
Hate to rain on Dem Sain'ts but the Dirty Birds are going to be flying high into the NFC championship. Don't you know Matt Ryan is the spokesperson of AirTran. But since it will be in the Ga Dome you can go ahead book that ticket to Dallas now.

Love when "fans" proclaim their team champs before they even play a game. If you've watched the play-offs the past couple of seasons you'd see it's anyones ball game. And yes, I know damn well the Steelers could easily lose next weekend, or win at the same rate. I just enjoy the games this time of year.

My picks for the Super Bowl are .............. vs ..............., with ............... winning their .............. Super Bowl title.

Or I'd could be like starkiller and proclaim that I knew .............. was going to win after the game is over :rotfl
After a long season of mostly blow out games every week it was nice to see a couple of close, good games!

Today's games should be good too. Got a pot roast in the crockpot and will be pulling for the Chiefs to beat the Ravens. Not sure if I have a preferrence on the GB/Philly match up. Just hope for a good game.
After a long season of mostly blow out games every week it was nice to see a couple of close, good games!

Today's games should be good too. Got a pot roast in the crockpot and will be pulling for the Chiefs to beat the Ravens. Not sure if I have a preferrence on the GB/Philly match up. Just hope for a good game.

After yesterday I'm not even trying to pick winners today. I picked Saints and Colts, and Ravens and Packers in my poll, so that means KC and Eagles should win :lol

Can't wait to crack open some more Guiness and enjoy todays festivities :yess:
Rooting for the Ravens. I love watching Ray Lewis.
The Eagles v Pack game is a little tougher with Cal guys, Rodgers and Jackson, on both sides. I'm just so damn stoked to watch that I might just hold back from cheering for a particular side.
I stick up for people being mistreated whether they are my buddy or not. IMO you're basically stalking him at this point. Not cool.

He's a big boy, he can stick up for himself. It's just a Steelers fan getting a Browns fan going, it's harmless, have been doing it the whole season :1-1: And stalking would be doing this in every thread he gets on, and I don't know of any other threads the kid gets on, so look up the definition of a word before using it, ok?
Rooting for the Ravens. I love watching Ray Lewis.
The Eagles v Pack game is a little tougher with Cal guys, Rodgers and Jackson, on both sides. I'm just so damn stoked to watch that I might just hold back from cheering for a particular side.

I hate Ray lewis :mad: but the man is a ____ing stud! Steelers vs Ravens match-ups will not feel the same when sugar Ray goes.
He's a big boy, he can stick up for himself. It's just a Steelers fan getting a Browns fan going, it's harmless, have been doing it the whole season :1-1: And stalking would be doing this in every thread he gets on, and I don't know of any other threads the kid gets on, so look up the definition of a word before using it, ok?

Or what, you'll start stalking me too? You claim to be the grown up. You claim military experience. Why don't you put both of those to use and restrain yourself.
Or what, you'll start stalking me too? You claim to be the grown up. You claim military experience. Why don't you put both of those to use and restrain yourself.

Here's another word for ya- hypocrite, because you're doing exactly what you're jumping all over me about. It's all harmless fun my man, just let it go and let's get back to talking fouz-ball. Hows about them Hawks and Jets, huh? :wink1:
Whatever, you see what you want. I said my peace. Heed it or not.

I found it interesting that the Seahawks aren't the automatically lowest ranked seed in the second round either.