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Actually, it appears that a lockout is less likely. I just read on that with the decertification of the Union, the players no longer have to abide by the rules of the of which was not to be able to file lawsuits until 6 months after the CBA expired. So by the Union decertifying prior to the CBA the players can file an injunction and sue the league to keep running...presumably with current pay packages.

Edit - Oh, and the judge in jurisdiction has shown himself to be a very player-friendly judge.

Edit 2 - Goodell lowered his own salary to a dollar. Now his salary is much closer to his value as a commissioner.
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Goodell is a king compared to Bettman

Sadly that's true. Unlike Bettman, I can't see the NFL rewarding incompetence with contract extensions like the NHL.

He's still claiming that there will be a 2011 season, if there isn't then he can claim his place next to Gary in the ____ty commissioner HOF.
I hope there's only like a 4-5 game season and a bunch of ____ teams make the play-offs.

Cleveland and Detroit in the Super Bowl. Bring it on!!!
The NFLPA has just made the Owners look 100 times better. How can a union (that doesn't technically exist anymore) tell kids (who are not technically apart of this union) not to attend an event that many of them have dreamed of being apart of.
The NFLPA has just made the Owners look 100 times better. How can a union (that doesn't technically exist anymore) tell kids (who are not technically apart of this union) not to attend an event that many of them have dreamed of being apart of.

Yep, its a bunch of BS. I'd sure as hell go if I was getting drafted. In the end all you need to support you are your new teammates and if eveyone else hates you who cares.
Read an article in SI about the lock out. Short, but interesting. It said about how Jerry Jones tried to intimidate the players with executive positions in the union at the last meeting, and they just kinda were like "whatever", and walked out.

The owners initiated the lock out, so if a federal judge sides with the union then there can be free agency, training camp and the other off season festivities, but it would go up higher and be heard again before September, and that's when the courts could side with the owners and lock the season out. (sorry I have piss-poor legal terminology)

Lotta shady stuff the owners are pulling, but a lot of the players don't understand what their union is trying to do for them. When you have Adrian Peterson saying making a guy play for only $11 million is like modern day slavery, and the upcoming 2011 draftees complaining about the proposed rookie pay scale, they're obviously thinking it's about money and nothing else. The retired players who are getting screwed on their health care, and the owners not wanting to pick up the medical bills on current players is far from a lot of their minds, if they even know about it at all.

I honestly hope a rookie pay scale is imposed, because I can't stand it when a rookie holds out of training camp to get a big contract when he literally hasn't done a damn thing. Jemarcus Russell above all, and others like Brady Quin, are prime examples of why this pay scale should be passed. It's for 1 year, go prove yourself and then ask to get paid. Though, a lot of this is because of greedy agents!

Hopefully they get this straightened out enough to at least get the players on the field at the beginning of Sept, but I'm not holding my breath. Go Penn State!!! .......... Man, that STILL doesn't feel right.
I wanna see a bunch of scabs play!! But it's not a players strike, it's a lock out initiated by the owners, so we can't even get that.
I honestly hope a rookie pay scale is imposed, because I can't stand it when a rookie holds out of training camp to get a big contract when he literally hasn't done a damn thing. Jemarcus Russell above all, and others like Brady Quin, are prime examples of why this pay scale should be passed. It's for 1 year, go prove yourself and then ask to get paid. Though, a lot of this is because of greedy agents!


I think both side agree this is needed so that should be a done deal.
Kick-offs from the 35 yard line next season ...... 2 things

1) Touch backs will sky rocket!

2) More return guys will try to be "heroes" or "make a name for themselves" and take the ball, that will more likely than not end up in the EZ, and try to run it out and end up getting tackled short of the 20.

This is one of the dumbest rule changes as of late. Honestly, what is the League hoping to accomplish with this? Like I said, TBs will go up drastically, which means less returns on KOs, which means less chance of something "big" happening, which in turn could hurt ratings with the casual fan.

Why not just put the ball on the teams 20 to begin with?