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Didn't you want Vick virtually killed but suddenly he became an eagle and wow he is the 2 nd coming of Jesus. Now suddenly VY is going to great even with no evidence to support that.

Again bs. Sure I didn't want Vick on the team. Who would have? For over a year he worked at both his life and getting better as a qb. He's hardly the second coming but let's face it. He was almost the MVP of the entire league and was compared to the two great QBs playing the game today. So hell yes I will cheer for him.

Like him or not Jackson is another I will cheer for. Arguable one of the best receivers in the game. Anyone would salivate to have him on their team.

At the end of the day I will cheer for my team. Isn't that the point of picking a team and cheering for them? Hell I don't even know what team you cheer for Mark. You're too busy talking ____ on everyone else.

At the end of the day I'm an Eagles fan you simply don't like that. When it comes to football I don't give a rats ass what you like. I will continue to cheer for my team. Thank you! :flag
Again bs. Sure I didn't want Vick on the team. Who would have? For over a year he worked at both his life and getting better as a qb. He's hardly the second coming but let's face it. He was almost the MVP of the entire league and was compared to the two great QBs playing the game today. So hell yes I will cheer for him.

Like him or not Jackson is another I will cheer for. Arguable one of the best receivers in the game. Anyone would salivate to have him on their team.

At the end of the day I will cheer for my team. Isn't that the point of picking a team and cheering for them? Hell I don't even know what team you cheer for Mark. You're too busy talking ____ on everyone else.

At the end of the day I'm an Eagles fan you simply don't like that. When it comes to football I don't give a rats ass what you like. I will continue to cheer for my team. Thank you! :flag

Get him BM :rock

And FYI, I wouldn't want Jackson anywhere near the Steelers. He's nothing but an arrogant ****** bag. Talented, nonetheless, but still a ****** bag :wave
One more thing Mark. You say I have nothing to back it up? Why don't you look up some of the QBs Reid was responsible for making great. Give me a break. Thats proof enough. If Reid says he can work with a QB he has a proven track record for backing that up. :lecture
One more thing Mark. You say I have nothing to back it up? Why don't you look up some of the QBs Reid was responsible for making great. Give me a break. Thats proof enough. If Reid says he can work with a QB he has a proven track record for backing that up. :lecture

Maybe he needs to take a second crack at Favre :lol
Get him BM :rock

And FYI, I wouldn't want Jackson anywhere near the Steelers. He's nothing but an arrogant ****** bag. Talented, nonetheless, but still a ****** bag :wave

Yes because the steelers have none of them on their team. :rotfl Nice avatar. :monkey1

I have no doubts that if Jackson was on your team it wouldn't take you long to cheer for him.
Yes because the steelers have none of them on their team. :rotfl Nice avatar. :monkey1

I have no doubts that if Jackson was on your team it wouldn't take you long to cheer for him.
I'm still a fan irregardless of who's on the team. They were around before these people, and will continue to be so after they're gone. But, I'd rather they skip bringing ****** bags like him in. It pissed me off when they met with Burress, like they were entertaining that idea :mad: But the guy is a heck of a receiver.

And just like you assume everyone would be with Jackson, yes Harrison is an arse, but I don't think there's one team in the League who wouldn't want him on their side rushing the passer.
As much as I hate that ass hole, he is a hall of fame QB.

I know :D I just like rattling your cage when you get riled up about the Eagles :wink1:

Reid is a hell of a coach. Much like Cowher in the sense he can coach with the best of them during the regular season, but has come up short way too often in the post season. I strongly believe he'll end his career like Cowher did, too :rock
If you want another useless stat, the Saints have a much better Superbowl winning percentage than the Steelers!

Weak argument :pfft:

The Steelers have been to 7 more SBs than the Saints, and have 5 more Lombardis. Until they brought Brees in they only had 1 play off appearance in team history, and that was a loss.

The only team that has multiple SB appearances with no losses is the Niners, so they're the only ones who can use that perfect SB win percentage bit.

And about damn time you joined in. Now change your set up and get ready for some football :D
Blah blah blah. Steelers can't handle the pressure in the Superbowl. Saints are undefeated! :rock :rock :rock

Steelers went 4-0 in the SB (in 6 seasons, still unprecedented to this day) before losing one. The Saints have a ways to go to be anywhere near up to par with the Steelers organization :wink1:
Most of these done in the past arguments have no merit. Get over it. This is 2011 and a new season. :lecture

:pfft: Then why keep stats and history? So when there's no season there's something to talk about. In September we'll have a season to talk about, until then past achievements and smart or dumb free agency moves are all there is :lecture

Plus, you're too embarrassed to talk about the Eagles SB history :D
Steelers went 4-0 in the SB (in 6 seasons, still unprecedented to this day) before losing one. The Saints have a ways to go to be anywhere near up to par with the Steelers organization :wink1:

You wouldn't have been 4-0 if Tampa Bay had been able to get there in '79 (stupid f'in Rams.) That D would have killed poor Bradshaw. :)
You wouldn't have been 4-0 if Tampa Bay had been able to get there in '79 (stupid f'in Rams.) That D would have killed poor Bradshaw. :)

:lol:lol Maybe, but Youngblood still gets the "toughest bastard in NFL play off history" award for that season. Playing with a fractured leg the whole post season, and still doing the Pro Bowl afterwards before getting it fixed. They don't make players that tough anymore :lecture
:pfft: Then why keep stats and history? So when there's no season there's something to talk about. In September we'll have a season to talk about, until then past achievements and smart or dumb free agency moves are all there is :lecture

Plus, you're too embarrassed to talk about the Eagles SB history :D

Why would I be embarrassed? Hell they were the champs in 1948, 1949, and 1960. They were also the only team to beat Lombardi in a championship game. :lecture

Now please tell me how in the hell that matters for this season?:dunno