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I fully expect him to be out for a few weeks. When he went out last year they didn't miss a beat. Andy has a way of bringing the best out in qb's. Young will fit nicely into his system. :yess:

I just worry that Young will cry like a baby the first time he gets booed when he does something wrong. That guy has been mentally weak his entire career. I hope that changes.
I disagree. The Eagles system is built around speed. Their line isn't very good. Plays need to happen quickly. Kolb was indecisive and not quick enough to avoid the rush. I believe Kolb is the better qb. No doubt. However Young fits this system better.
So the VY playbook is hand the ball of, or run because pocket breaks down. The guy doesn't make good quick decisions when it comes to throwing the ball.
Young was good in college where he ran the ball more than anything, but he sucks as an NFL QB. Vick was able to transition that style over well at Atlanta, and eventually became a better passer, but Young had his 15 minutes and then fizzled away into suck-ness! The Titans are probably wishing they would have kept McNair around a little longer and milked him for all he was worth.
J E T S sign Plaxico to a one year deal worth $3,017,000.

Wonder where Braylon Edwards end up now?

Jail at the rate he's going.

I'm a Michigan Wolverines fan so I used to be a big Braylon Edwards fan but he's really turned into a ____ing idiot.
C'mon, P Poz was the best linebacker to ever grace Penn State :lol

*throws up all over himself*


Poz is actually decent. But is TERRIBLE in a 3-4, and is way too slow for what Buffalo has been trying to do on defense for the past 10 months. He's strong, but slow from sideline to sideline, and is extremely injury prone to boot.

With Barnett at linebacker, Batten, Kelvin Sheppard, all I need is for Shawn Merriman to become the beast he once was and I'll be happy.

But what are the odds of Merriman doing that?
So the VY playbook is hand the ball of, or run because pocket breaks down. The guy doesn't make good quick decisions when it comes to throwing the ball.

I trust Reid more than your opinion. If he sees something in a QB he can make him a good one. He's done it his whole career. I have no doubts Young will both learn the system but flourish in it given the chance. :lecture
Can he start taking steroids again? He was never the same after getting busted for them a few years back.

And I remember a lot of people I work with thinking the Steelers would have taken Poz if he were still available for their pick. That was the draft they took Timmons in the 1st and Woodley in the 2nd. I think they made out pretty well for passing him over :lol
I trust Reid more than your opinion. If he sees something in a QB he can make him a good one. He's done it his whole career. I have no doubts Young will both learn the system but flourish in it given the chance. :lecture

He needs to find something in a kicker, so he doesn't miss 3 FGs that would have helped them win against the team that beat them in the play offs, and then went on to win the SB :lecture
Can he start taking steroids again? He was never the same after getting busted for them a few years back.

And I remember a lot of people I work with thinking the Steelers would have taken Poz if he were still available for their pick. That was the draft they took Timmons in the 1st and Woodley in the 2nd. I think they made out pretty well for passing him over :lol

I sure hope so!

I trust Reid more than your opinion. If he sees something in a QB he can make him a good one. He's done it his whole career. I have no doubts Young will both learn the system but flourish in it given the chance. :lecture

That's right once a player becomes an eagle you forget the past and think it's great.
That's right once a player becomes an eagle you forget the past and think it's great.

I will have to ask everyone to pardon me while divert the subject to something a little more critical to football at this point in the season...

For those of you in SoCal...Stater Brothers is have a sale on 4-lb bags of chicken wings. They are two for ten dollars.

That's right once a player becomes an eagle you forget the past and think it's great.

That's bs. You're a broken record when it comes to football smack talk. If someone sucks I will tell them they suck. Wasn't it you that said Philly will boo this or hate on that. Are you saying I'm the opposite? Get your ____ together and come up with better material. It's old.
That's bs. You're a broken record when it comes to football smack talk. If someone sucks I will tell them they suck. Wasn't it you that said Philly will boo this or hate on that. Are you saying I'm the opposite? Get your ____ together and come up with better material. It's old.

Didn't you want Vick virtually killed but suddenly he became an eagle and wow he is the 2 nd coming of Jesus. Now suddenly VY is going to great even with no evidence to support that.
I will have to ask everyone to pardon me while divert the subject to something a little more critical to football at this point in the season...

For those of you in SoCal...Stater Brothers is have a sale on 4-lb bags of chicken wings. They are two for ten dollars.


So yeah, Matt Spaeth went to Chicago, and they signed Sepulveda and Suisham to deals. That's about the only free agency deals worth a while I've seen the Steelers do :wave