NFL Thread

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Really. The Bills have lost twice as many Super Bowls :wink1:

You're not looking at it the right way. :)

Bills - 4 straight AFC championships, 4 straight SB losses.

Eagles - 4 straight TRIPS to the NFC Championship, 4 straight losses.


True, a better comparison in the NFC would be the Vikings, since the Eagles DO have an "NFL Championship(not a SuperBowl), but since the creation of the SB(and when there were more than 6 teams in the league, lol), the Eagles went to 4 straight NFC Championships...and lost.

I watched an NFL Network top 10 show, and Andy Reid was referred to as "the poor man's Marv Levy" :lol
I watched an NFL Network top 10 show, and Andy Reid was referred to as "the poor man's Marv Levy" :lol


Don't me wrong; the Bills are still the laughing stock of the league--or at least, one of them. While we never have 1-15 seasons(or 2-3 win seasons, either), we have been mired in mediocrity for the last decade.

The last hope I had for them was sucked out by fat **** Wade Phillips who decided to start Rob Johnson over Flutie. Which still haunts me to this day.

The Bills may never have sealed the deal with a SB victory, but 4 straight AFC titles is something that will never be replicated in this day and age(as the Eagles can attest to).

I'm looking forward to another 6-10/7-9 season. At least we'll be better than the Dolphins. That's always something to look forward to.
The "Musicland Miracle" :lol

One of the all-time great controversial finishes to a game. Ranks right up there with the "Immaculate Reception" :D

But nothing beats the "Tuck Rule" game ........... poor Oakland. They're always getting screwed :rotfl
The "Musicland Miracle" :lol

One of the all-time great controversial finishes to a game. Ranks right up there with the "Immaculate Reception" :D

But nothing beats the "Tuck Rule" game ........... poor Oakland. They're always getting screwed :rotfl

To this day I still believe that was the worst screw job in the history of the NFL Playoffs.
I think the Eagles are going to have a great year. Always liked Andy Reid. If Vick DOES get hurt, as least they have the number one back-up in the NFL

Edit: Has anyone on this thread collected McFarlane NFL sportpicks in the past, but no longer does so because of how ridiculous the whole "CL-thing" has gotten?
I think the Eagles are going to have a great year. Always liked Andy Reid. If Vick DOES get hurt, as least they have the number one back-up in the NFL

Edit: Has anyone on this thread collected McFarlane NFL sportpicks in the past, but no longer does so because of how ridiculous the whole "CL-thing" has gotten?
Who VY?

They had a better situation with Kolb then now.
I used to collect sports picks but stopped after the 1st or 2nd NFL Legends release. Whichever set had the Johnny Unitas in it was my last.

Yeah...I actually stopped with series 25. It's just getting ridiculous. Once I found out some guy near me, was sending out both his MOTHER and his GRANDMOTHER to different Targets and Toys R Us' at 9am sharp to snag the figures, I was all but done.

Eagles will do well this year until Vick gets hurt in game 7.

I fully expect him to be out for a few weeks. When he went out last year they didn't miss a beat. Andy has a way of bringing the best out in qb's. Young will fit nicely into his system. :yess:
Who VY?

They had a better situation with Kolb then now.

I disagree. The Eagles system is built around speed. Their line isn't very good. Plays need to happen quickly. Kolb was indecisive and not quick enough to avoid the rush. I believe Kolb is the better qb. No doubt. However Young fits this system better.
Who VY?

They had a better situation with Kolb then now.

Yeah, wait until that guy gets booed by those "wonderful" philly fans. :lol He thought was ready to off himself eating chicken wings in Nashville. Dude will probably not make it through a half before crying like a little girl.
Has anyone on this thread collected McFarlane NFL sportpicks in the past, but no longer does so because of how ridiculous the whole "CL-thing" has gotten?

Right here :wave Sold all of mine, but mainly because of them doing the same players over and over again, and using the same sculpts over and over again. That CL thing was a joke. Nothing but a scalper's dream there.
Edit: Has anyone on this thread collected McFarlane NFL sportpicks in the past, but no longer does so because of how ridiculous the whole "CL-thing" has gotten?

I only collect Bucs so other than the throwback Steve Young I haven't had to worry about them much lately. :)