I never said he wouldn't get ANY cheers did i? Nope sure didn't! I just said he will be booed. I also never said he wouldn't get majority of boos.(you're the one that came up with this majority and half and half bull____ lol)
Simple as that there's no backtracking, and i still stand by it. When the intro's come you will here boo's. (IMO) Yeah you'll probably hear cheers, but you WILL here boo's. (And i will stand corrected if wrong.) That's all i ever said, and my whole point was not even that you will hear them, just that you SHOULD hear them now that he is the enemy. My whole point in the beginning was that you were acting like they wouldn't boo at all and you would be pissed if they did. And i simply said they will boo....Hence you will here boos. Of couse some Don fans are gonna cheer, they did for Brett to, but they also booed.
Please don't read stuff into my posts that aren't there.
Simple as that there's no backtracking, and i still stand by it. When the intro's come you will here boo's. (IMO) Yeah you'll probably hear cheers, but you WILL here boo's. (And i will stand corrected if wrong.) That's all i ever said, and my whole point was not even that you will hear them, just that you SHOULD hear them now that he is the enemy. My whole point in the beginning was that you were acting like they wouldn't boo at all and you would be pissed if they did. And i simply said they will boo....Hence you will here boos. Of couse some Don fans are gonna cheer, they did for Brett to, but they also booed.
Please don't read stuff into my posts that aren't there.
They'll boo. He's on a opposing team. Favre got booed bigtime from Packer fans, doesn't mean they don't love em. It's just what fans are supposed to do when playing a rival. You don't come in a long time rivals uniform and expect cheers.
They should boo, and DON should smile and have fun with it.
Whatever the case why someone left don't really matter. You're in a divisional rivals uniform. I think it's the fans job to boo. It's a game, and that person is now an enemy.
(And they wanted Favre out and Aaron in BTW)
Yes i do. It's a game and like i said he's in an enemy uniform. It don't mean you don't respect the guy, it's just part of the game. It's not booing as in you hate the guy, it's just booing that he's now the enemy.(it's all in fun) People sometimes forget that it's a game and cheers and boo's and hisses are part of that. (I don't know how divisional rivals are in the south but up here and out in that division it can be pretty tense, and people have LOTS of fun with it) And yes, it is Philly to think that they wouldn't boo in the first place is funny as hell.
It is of my opinion that he should be booed.(not because of a lack of respect, but that it's part of the game) And i wouldn't think any less of Philly fans for it.
(Yeah he came out in a Broncos Uniform, not a Redskins uniform, maybe your divisional rivals are not as hardcore as the NFC north with fans i dunno)
I will bet $ that he will be booed when he walks on the field. Now, it may just be a team by team thing, or a regional thing like you say. But again i doubt it. If i'm wrong i will stand corrected.
Again i don't think you are understanding my point. It don't matter what kinda person you are (ok maybe it does a little in the back of peoples minds i mean if you're a dog killer well.......) It just matters that in the name of the GAME that he's in a severe rivals uniform and it is of my opinion that he is now the enemy. And that's how Packers Fans and Viking fans around here see/saw it. Regional i dunno, but to state i'm wrong is well wrong. Cause maybe, it goes buy region who's to say.(different people different reactions) I think he should be booed in the name of the game, of friendly sportsmanship (lotta people don't get this anymore) not outta lack of respect.......Cause guess what? If a player has truly earned that, it can NEVER be lost! Cause the true Philly Don fans can still boo, and have fun, and still respect him at the same time is all i'm saying. (The only Packer fans that hate Favre now, are the fair weather ones, the true ones will always love him. And cheer for him now when they don't play the Vikings. I see it all the time around here. Packer fans and Vikings fans having fun together even though the hatred runs deep on Sundays. I hope you see that to in your part of the country.) When he walked out on the field at GB last year and was booed. Favre has a smile on his face, and winked to other Viking teammates cause he knew...he just knew. ("aka how dare you play for the VIKINGS YOU TRAITOR YOU LOL")
If he is booed, i wouldn't say it's a lack of respect and i stand by it. And don't you dare think it is a lack of respect if it happens.(unless you know philly fans better than i doI'm sure you do) (ALL in fun for the GAME, i know some sports fans take ____ too seriously but some out there still remember to have fun)
I hope it's a good game.
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