Sorry I meant to say HAT
Yes it was true, if your turned in your fake jersey they would give you a signed HAT and a 50$ gift card for the Canadiens shop
Id rather keep the jersey![]()
and thanks for Asham![]()
Looks good man, legit?
Letting double A go was a very very stupid decision. The man could play every line and do a damn good job at it. As much as I love Carcillo, they def should have kept Asham instead but I'm just a bumpkin who doesn't know anything.
Too cheap for that fancy stuff.
I think they should change the point calcualtions altogether. If you lose in OT not shoot out, you get zero points
Donald Fehr is reportedly the new executive director of the NHLPA.
Who's ready for a strike in a few years when the current CBA expires?
What is he going to strike over??
No one is that retarded. Not in this economic climate.
Have players been complaining to the degree to suggest a strike is that imminent?