NHL 2009-2010 Season

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Not just that, I know the politics of the game, I know how the game works... I am a long time season ticket holder, played the sport, collect the sport, heck, I breathe the sport. So I don't need anyone putting me down. I only got on my high horse because others decided to make this personal. I am not a happy camper of late, so yeah, not much will set me off.

Just encountered the ex, returned some of his stuff and he was a handful to deal with. I also have other factors putting me on the edge, so if you want to discuss the game on a more mature level, I am game. I like bumblebee, but his last comment really pissed me off. Maybe that's more my fault and problem.

Fixed that for ya :lol

Seriously its all good bro. We(most of us posting in here) love the game and we...well emotions can get the better of us. :peace
Fixed that for ya :lol

Seriously its all good bro. We(most of us posting in here) love the game and we...well emotions can get the better of us. :peace

Yeah I am more angry than I should be. Nearly got into a fight today. I had a guy who wanted to take me on, but cooler heads prevailed and our friend was more upset than us, and she's a girl, so we figured we would be wiser to let it simmer down. I suck at coping with stress.
I know what I know and when it comes to the game, I guarantee I know more than you guys. This is not subjective, but fact.

This is what happens when you insult others, they come back harder. Now scram.

I didn't insult you. I wasn't even into it with you. BB was. As for what you THINK you know, good for you for THINKING you know more than anyone here, but you're just an arrogant ____ with statements like that. I'm sure you know you're stuff, but so do a lot of us. If you want to puff your chest out and act like our knowledge pales to yours then have a field day. I don't care what you think.
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Malkin wasn't in the lineup, so don't get too prideful.

Are you really this blind? Where am I being prideful with that statement? I said I am happy when the Caps beat the Pens, but that it really doesn't matter in the regular season. I want a cup. Try reading before making yourself look foolish.
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Further expanding on the +/- discussion... Ovechkin's team not only play in a weaker Division (is what you meant to say), OVY has more talent around him than Crosby. Malkin and Crosby only play on the PP. But lets not take that away from the guy's (Alex's) season, he still is putting up amazing numbers and he would be prorated to score 120 points. We need to look beyond the stats and see the other intangibles that lye beneath, and attribute to these factors. That's what separates the kids who look up stats and those who get the game. These guys are the best of the best, but they can be made better by a stronger environment.

Rob Blake won the Norris on a -3 season, so I don't even think the NHL holds to that being the end-all to a player's value. +/- is definitely more of a team thing.

Don't forget Ovechkins first couple of seasons in the league either. he was playing with Zubrus for God's sake and still had over 100 points and 52 goals his rookie season and 46 goals and I believe 92 points his second season.

He was playing with TERRIBLE linemates then and still put up monster numbers although his +/- was obviously not very good at +2 first year and -19 second, but he's also learned to be more defensive minded and backchecks a LOT better then he did back then.
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Don't forget Ovechkins first couple of seasons in the league either. he was playing with Zubrus for God's sake and still had over 100 points and 52 goals his rookie season and 46 goals and I believe 92 points his second season.

He was playing with TERRIBLE linemates then and still put up monster numbers although his +/- was obviously not very good at +2 first year and -19 second, but he's also learned to be more defensive minded and backchecks a LOT better then he did back then.

I know, I do not think when it comes to my hockey knowledge. This is not subjective. It is fact. Arrogance or not. ;)
And you just further proved your team does attribute a lot to the +/- rating. I am just saying, the Caps are that much better than the Pens this season, and what's this you say? The regular season means more than the playoffs. You're crazy! ;) :duh
I want a big salary, nice car, big house, and a **** and then I'll be good.

My knowledge doesn't come cheap.

Sign me up! :rock

If you worked for NBC you would be the only one there with any actual knowledge. Milbury and McGuire are idiots. Especially Milbury.
If you worked for NBC you would be the only one there with any actual knowledge. Milbury and McGuire are idiots. Especially Milbury.

Milbury's track record proves he has no hockey knowledge. Look at his trade history! His draft selections mean ____! That's his scouting staff, and who cares if you take Luongo and then trade him for Parrish, and then take DiPietro over the likes of Heatley and Gaborik. We all know that DiPietro and Parrish are no Luongo and Heatley/Gaborik. lol


Or his trade to land Trevor Linden... and as for McGuire, don't even get me started with that guy. I have to speak over everyone and be louder than them so I can have all the attention on me! My word is the gospel and I think I have a patented thing going on by calling certain players, "monsters." I am so original! But I do like when the two get going. Is it the same as Ron Maclean and Don Cherry, no, but it's still fun to watch! :)

Just be thankful that NBC even puts the NHL on their network. I like that the NHL is getting some sort of love.. if one can call it that.
You guys should just be thankful that he's not associated with your teams. Watching Milbury on the Instigators show on NESN is close to unbearable.

Every episode Andy Brickley looks like he's being tortured as Milbury and Jack Edwards make inane comments.

Jeez, couldn't the Pens have had the decency to beat the Leafs in regulation?:lol

The B's need help to insure the pick.

Buffaslugs in town tomorrow, hoping for a win to climb up for that 6 seed and first round with Buffalo.
The Flyers suck and so do the refs of the NHL. This favortism needs to stop! This is the only sport that I have ever watched where favortism played such a KEY role in the game.