Then please stop calling me a bad fan.
The difference is your team is 1st overall. They have the best NHL record, best goals forth in the league, and have the best PP. My Moose barely made it into the playoffs and were the beneficiaries of lady luck on their side, because we play in a ____ division. Meaning, no matter how bad we played down the stretch run, we had teams in our division that did MUCH worse. If this was any other year or division we would be on the green after April the 10th (last regular season game).
I guess I find it odd that you are crying bloody murder when your team has one poor game, whereas I was calling bloody murder on one ____ season! We won back-to-back games only once in our last 20 games and we have been outscored 13-3 in the past 2 games by a team we're facing in the opening round. There is a defining difference between our two teams. You need to lighten up. Your team is experiencing their best regular season (arguably ever) and you're whining over one game. That's why I made that comment. Try being a Moose fan this year, and then you can complain. Heck, being a Pens fan this season hasn't been that much easier. Granted they are doing better in the NHL this year by a fair bit than my Moose are in the AHL. I wished my teams were having the season your Caps have been having.
That link was to show how close we think at times, but you sir, need to not stress so easily or give up on a flick of a switch. The Caps have been awesome this year, and while it matters more in the playoffs, this season is showing how dominate they can be when they want to.
I don't think they'll pull a Boston or San Jose. Follow up a strong regular season showing with a piss-poor post campaign.
Having said all of that, I don't think either one of us is a bad fan. So no calling me a bad fan either if I don't post right when my team loses. Fans do that. Sometimes they don't need the stress of seeing fans mock their teams right after a loss.