Take that you west coast hooligans!...figures those hippies would riot, ____ Vancouver and thier ____ty weather.
Tim Thomas is the man. Congrats to the Bruins and their fans, they deserved this win the most.
Eli, if you guys were Vancouver right now...there would be murder in the Peg..no doubt,talking one of the,if not the worst places for crime in all of Canada.
This summer will def make for an interesting time to see who's going where.
I actually think I heard that Luongo has a NTC that lasts for 5 years. So he's probably staying.
Seems tradition now for Canucks fans to watch there team lose in a finals game 7 then go riot in the City
As much as I wanted the canucks to win they just played ____ty, very underwhelming IMO, now send over Luongo.