NHL 2010-2011 Season

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Hey Praxtard, last season the series between Leafs and Habs was tied at 3 wins each, why are you so in shock of my comment?..who looks better on paper?..Leafs, you ____ing know it!.
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Damn good combo
Hey Praxtard, last season the series between Leafs and Habs was tied at 3 wins each, why are you so in shock of my comment?..who looks better on paper?..Leafs, you ____ing know it!.

Oh you leaf fans are just too sensitive. I was poking fun. I will say I don't think there's anyway in hell they score 6 goals, but they could squeak out a win.
Oh you leaf fans are just too sensitive. I was poking fun. I will say I don't think there's anyway in hell they score 6 goals, but they could squeak out a win.

Well Auld will likely be starting the opener, although I don't know if that means a likelihood or more or less goals than Price.
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Damn good combo

How cool is that??
What was the actual nature of this meeting between Bettman and Lee?
Giguere VS Price... Who do you think came up big to make just enough of a difference to win?
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