Mario Kart or Mortal Kombat?
Pretty sure he means Mario Kart. Mortal Kombat isn't really a kid friendly game, which Nintendo is known for.
Mario Kart or Mortal Kombat?
This is the one that is going to sell units. MK AND SUPER SMASH BROS!!!! atleast I better get me some MK this year!
Do you enjoy JRPGS? If so the Wii U has xenoblade chronicles 2 and SMT x Fire Emblem coming. Two games I can't wait for!
Only game that will get some units moving in the west is a new smash, since its a pretty big community.
Only game that will get some units moving in the west is a new smash, since its a pretty big community.
Because graphics mean everything!! I mean **** link doesn't even talk. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CONNECTO TO A CHARACTER WHO DOES NOT TALK. people are so stupid. Zelda is as good as always![]()
Your kidding right? Has Zelda Mario or Metroid ever TRULY been about story? No it hasn't. If you are looking for an incredible story don't buy Japanese made games, because I agree most of them fall flat on story but if you want awesome gameplay buy them. I would pretty much be done with zelda if they made it like Skyrim. Nobody that is a true zelda fan wants that to happen.Nope, Zelda games, along with the majority of Japanese developed games, are behind the curve when it comes to videogame storytelling and it has caused the developers to create gimmicks for each new title instead of advancing the concept. (Look, now Link can fly around another version of Hyrule that you don't recognize!)
Graphics are important, but an immersive game that brings the player into the story is more important. Until Nintendo embraces the advancements that most western game developers have embraced, Zelda, Metroid, and Mario games will continue to be limited in the amount of immersion the player feels.
Oh and Tingle.![]()
Right now, I'd say 3DS since it's library is more diverse at the moment. Pick up a WiiU later on in the year around November.
Nope, Zelda games, along with the majority of Japanese developed games, are behind the curve when it comes to videogame storytelling...
Because graphics mean everything!!
If you're looking for story, look elsewhere.
Riiiiiight. So, according to you two, neither story or graphics are important in 2013 for a successful game and/or game console. Congrats, you two are the demographic that Nintend'oh! is aiming for, have fun buying Ocarina of Time again!![]()
I'm gonna stop you right there. Nobody is playing Miyamoto games for story. The man is a genius game designer who doesn't give a **** about story. If you're looking for story, look elsewhere.
Games can work with story and games can work without story. The day we start demanding all games have some deep story is the day I stop playing games altogether.
Settle down there, sport. I quoted posts 2 people made, one person arguing that graphics aren't important and another stating that story isn't important.
Settle down there, sport. I quoted posts 2 people made, one person arguing that graphics aren't important and another stating that story isn't important.
There is no conversation to be had, some people believe that Shigeru Miyamoto is the second coming of Christ, and that Nintendo can do no wrong.
I'm on the other side of the camp. I was a loyal "Nintend'oh!" consumer since the NES. I still have every system from the NES to the Wii, and I kept all of the boxes and instruction manuals for all of my games. I own every release of every Zelda game ever made. Hell, I even own the CD-i Nintendo games.
That company has alienated their loyal consumer base long enough, and unless some major changes occur within the corporate structure, the WiiU will be the swan song for the fabled "Nintend'oh!" household name, even then, I think the damage has been done.
I miss super smash bros. Is Wii u only a tablet or does it hook up to TVs?
This is why the Wii U is doing bad