A game to be regarder as "the best" needs to combine everything. Story, grahics, gameplay.
Are bioshock: Infinite's gaphics hyper realistic? No. Is Infinite beautifull and jaw dropping? Hell yes! You just have to find that perfect artistic style and upgrade it from time to time.
Bioshock Infinite's story worked really well for me. The travel between realities, the paradoxes, the constants and variables,they all connected to each other and created a fantastic world. It motivates you to think. Did Elizabeth faint since that certain personality never techinically existed? Did she continue living? Did all of the other universes cease to exist? And when i say graphics i mean both art style and being clean and nice. As i said a bit later in my previous post you just have to find that perfect art style that suits your game.For me, it's not about amazing graphics. It's about art style. One of my favorite games, VVVVVV, doesn't have amazing graphics but the art style is fantastic. So for me, I'd say graphics don't matter one bit, it's the total package (music included).
As for story, I've said before, I'm not big on story in my games. The last game I played that had a story that added to rather than detracted from the game was Red Dead Redemption.
Bioshock Infinite had purdy graphics, but shallow gameplay and a story that didn't work well at all.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHYtvOP8AMY this game will be shown at the next nintendo direct. This game looks sick. I love me some JRPGS.
Super Mario Bros U is a rerelease of a 3DS game, Nintendoland is a collection of minigames. Neither are great. They should have had Pikmin 3 as a launch title
I'm sure that's what Nintendo said to themselves when they put that out
I'm sure that's what Nintendo said to themselves when they put that out