I'm not saying that Zelda needs to be an exact copy of skyrim. Skyrim is brought as an example to show how they can create a living, breathing, believable world. We want to see something more added to the franchise. I'm not talking about a massive story, with hidden messages regarding human life. I'm not asking for a Doctor Who story with twists on every turn or forshadowing of the next game in the series. I just want something new! A more open-world type of game, new gameplay mechanics, new bosses, new villains. Wouldn't it be cool to fight a collossal gollem ala Shadow Of The Collossus? I want to have fun but not at expense of innovation. We need more Mario Galaxy and less Super Mario 3d Land type of games.
Yes, Mario Galaxy is great but i wouldn't put it in my list of best games ever made. A game to be regarder as "the best" needs to combine everything. Story, grahics, gameplay. And when people talk about adding better graphics in Zelda i doubt they mean making them hyper realistic. Are bioshock: Infinite's gaphics hyper realistic? No. Is Infinite beautifull and jaw dropping? Hell yes! You just have to find that perfect artistic style and upgrade it from time to time.
Also,I'm not saying that Nintendo will crash and burn. I'm just saying that they need to get up and do some work. I don't want to play yet another mario platformer. Luigi's mansion, mario sunshine, mario galaxy, these are the type of game i want to see from nintendo. A new metroid, a new starfox, a new ip. I still haven't written off the wii u. If pikmin 3 is good, if they announce something else except mario and zelda, or if they shake things up with those franchises then i'll give it a chance. For now the ps4 leads therace. The wii u is second because even if sales are poor, it still has the household names. The xbox one was an absymal piece of ****. It's a home entertainment box. Not a video game console. And say what you will about holding off their big guns till e3, the last few years microsoft has been going downhill. They focus too much at kinect and so little at games that they'll eventually abandon them. Their exclusives are: Halo, Forza, Gears and Alan Wake. The rest are forgetable at best.