No More Happy Meal Toys?

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McDonalds uses shady tactics to get kids "addicted" to fast food at an early age!? How? Are they personally shoving it down the throats of these kids? It's these kids parents that are allowing them to eat fast food to the point that it becomes a problem.

Parents are in charge. Not kids. Kinda mind boggling how so many parents are completely pussified and can't find the nerve/backbone to say (god forbid) NO to their children. It's pathetic.
Well, as I said in my post earlier, it is the parents' respective faults what they allow their kids to eat. Of course. However, McDonald's peddles extremely unhealthy (and addictive) food to kids at an early, impressionable age through the use of toys and colorful commercials with a friendly clown and a bunch of anthropomorphic food items. It is marketing. Just like Joe the Camel, they want to get kids hooked on these things early through these means, so that they will have customers for life. I don't think there is any disputing this. It is McDonald's marketing strategy.

But should government regulate this? I don't think so. No one gets hurt by having bad diets except those with them and potentially their friends/family. If Americans are destined to become those people from Wall*E because they are too ignorant to realize what fast food, lack of exercise, and lack of intellectual pursuit is doing to them, then so be it. I don't blame the evil, money grubbing corporations for doing what they are supposed to. I blame the masses.
happy meals don't make you fat. sitting in front of the Xbox all day does. i ate Happy Meals a lot when i was a kid. i never had a weight problem cuz i actually went outside and ran around, played sports, and rode bike.
happy meals don't make you fat. sitting in front of the Xbox all day does. i ate Happy Meals a lot when i was a kid. i never had a weight problem cuz i actually went outside and ran around, played sports, and rode bike.

:goodpost: That's the whole thing. That and moderation.
This country has lost ANY sense of personal responsibility. It's always someone else fault or society made me do it. Welcome to the liberal train of thought. Ban everything and let the laws and government decide what's right and wrong for you because you SURE can't be trusted to decide for yourself....No sir! You MUST look for someone else to blame if you're fat, a criminal or whatever else you can name.

This country has become a joke.
I always loved Happy Meal Toys. I was the kid who asked which toys they had so I could collect them all. :lol
I dont really get where people say that McDonalds food is extremly unhealthy. It isnt. No more so than any of the other crap that parents serve thier kids. A trip or two to the fast food place isnt bad at all. Any food in large quanities is unhealthy.
Ive eaten fast food atleast twice a week since I was 3 and im in great shape.

Who wants to go to McDonalds for the toys anyways. They are usually useless little plastic gadgets that entertain for 10 seconds at best. I usually threw them out when I was little.
I have maybe two bins full of these, some pictured below..old stuff.






McDonalds uses shady tactics to get kids "addicted" to fast food at an early age!? How? Are they personally shoving it down the throats of these kids? It's these kids parents that are allowing them to eat fast food to the point that it becomes a problem.

Parents are in charge. Not kids. Kinda mind boggling how so many parents are completely pussified and can't find the nerve/backbone to say (god forbid) NO to their children. It's pathetic.

I tell Ween NO all the time :exactly:
that's strange...
i thought they took out the kiddie toys cause they were made from child labor.:monkey3

not cause they're making kids FAT.:cuckoo:
I dont really get where people say that McDonalds food is extremly unhealthy. It isnt. No more so than any of the other crap that parents serve thier kids.
If parents are serving their kids fried food, hamburgers, and soft drinks for every meal, then I would agree. But I don't suspect that is the case for a large chunk of society.
If parents are serving their kids fried food, hamburgers, and soft drinks for every meal, then I would agree. But I don't suspect that is the case for a large chunk of society.
And that food is perfectly fine for children in moderation.

I remember my dad taking advantage of this deal Shell had at their gas stations, i miss those days.
That doesn't make the food intrinsically less unhealthy, though. Lard and bacon grease are OK in moderation.

But if there is no problem in eating it in moderation, the fact that it is unhealthy is completly irrelevant.