Supersize me is dramatics 101. They make the point by taking it to an extreme so it becomes virtually inarguable in context. What the basis of the movie is though, how much fat, calories, etc that you ingest in one sitting was alarming, back then we didn't have nutrition facts on the food remember? I'll be damned if my local fast food places didn't have their facts hidden somewhere out of plain view. It doesn't take a genius to know its bad for you but the fact is that some people are eating it everyday, Food Inc did a nice vicious circle about fast food how families see spending $5 for a meal at McDonalds as easier and more cost efficient than spending $10 at a grocery store for the same items but then having to pay more in medical bills to fight diabetes, etc.
No one is saying fast food isn't bad for you because it is, its all processed and anyone who took 10th grade Bio in the last 15 years knows that fast food and its nutritional values always comes up but the real trick is responsibility McDonalds just makes the food, they don't force you to buy it. If people know the facts and continue to eat it for whatever reason then they have chosen their path and people really need to learn to mind their own damn business and stop crusading to save people.