No More Happy Meal Toys?

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aw how sad - happy meals are the only thing i'll order from mcdonalds... :lol

That's what I get most of the time! It's just the right amount for me! If they don't have something I like in the Happy Meals, I just get a sandwich and the large drink they have for a dollar. I usually skip the fries.
what other fast food places have toys. not that many l do not think.

I think they've all got a prize of some sort. I think most other places just have toys that suck. Even Subway has toys. I believe Chik-Fil-A gives out books. Yep, not too many kids askin' to go there. Not that I frequent fast food establishments enough to know...
Is it just me or were Happy Meal toys cooler 20 years ago?

And I hate that toys aren't in cereal boxes anymore. Growing up that I always got the cereal with the best toy. And it really sucked when the best toy came in a cereal I didn't like and my mom made me eat it.

Cracker Jacks used to at least HAVE a toy. Not they just have some paper thingy that's stupid.

Happy Meal toys were better 20 years ago because you were a kid then! Sometimes they're really nice now. A lot better than what BK or Wendy's has in their's!
I think they've all got a prize of some sort. I think most other places just have toys that suck. Even Subway has toys. I believe Chik-Fil-A gives out books. Yep, not too many kids askin' to go there. Not that I frequent fast food establishments enough to know...

l remember when A&W had the small shot glasses. those were cool. l don't think they have those anymore though.
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Cracker Jacks used to at least HAVE a toy. Not they just have some paper thingy that's stupid.

Happy Meal toys were better 20 years ago because you were a kid then! Sometimes they're really nice now. A lot better than what BK or Wendy's has in their's!

Hey those Star Wars BK toys were pretty awesome. I may or may not have consumed a number of whoppers to get some of those. And I may or may not have went from BK to BK looking for the elusive Vader/Anakin that only came one per case...
Hey those Star Wars BK toys were pretty awesome. I may or may not have consumed a number of whoppers to get some of those. And I may or may not have went from BK to BK looking for the elusive Vader/Anakin that only came one per case...

I have the first set of the BK Star Wars toys. They were okay. The ones I have are older than that from where they redid the original trilogy.
People still put this ____ into their body's?

fast food is not that bad for you. anyone watch the movie super size me. all the heath critics say fast food is bad and should be band. well fast food is not bad for you if you only have it once in a while. 3 or 4 times a week, yes that is bad but in moderation there is nothing wrong with it.
Was waiting for someone to bring up Super Size Me. Wasn't the point of that movie to say that fast food is bad for you?

...well other than the guy who ate one Big Mac every day his whole life and was as thin as a rail...
Was waiting for someone to bring up Super Size Me. Wasn't the point of that movie to say that fast food is bad for you?

...well other than the guy who ate one Big Mac every day his whole life and was as thin as a rail...

yea what the hell was that about. the little skinny guy who eats 3 big macs a day, and he weighs like 120 pounds. then he purposed to his girl friend at McDonalds. :lol
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Parents are in charge. Not kids. Kinda mind boggling how so many parents are completely pussified and can't find the nerve/backbone to say (god forbid) NO to their children. It's pathetic.

you, sir, speak the truth.
most parents out there today are abominations and should have never had kids. :monkey4
what other fast food places have toys. not that many l do not think.

They all do just not recognizable brands of Toy. Taco Bell, KFC, Burger King, Carls Jr, Wendys, McDonalds, all have toys for their kid's meals. McDonalds and Burger King are the big two and usually get the big summer kids movies and therefore are targeted more but they all do it.
Was waiting for someone to bring up Super Size Me. Wasn't the point of that movie to say that fast food is bad for you?

...well other than the guy who ate one Big Mac every day his whole life and was as thin as a rail...

Haha, yep. The mind boggles at the stupidity behind that experiment.

His reasoning seemed to be that nothing but fast food in the highest possible quanitites is what will happen to your body if you eat it long term, even in moderation.

According to the same reasoning, taking 30 shots of whisky in an hour is what will happen to your body if your become a regular drinker, even in moderation.

Oh, and throw in the fact that he stopped exercising to add another variable.

Any food is bad for you if it is all you eat. I would like to see a movie where he eats nothing but apples for a month. Thets see how healthy he is after that.
Supersize me is dramatics 101. They make the point by taking it to an extreme so it becomes virtually inarguable in context. What the basis of the movie is though, how much fat, calories, etc that you ingest in one sitting was alarming, back then we didn't have nutrition facts on the food remember? I'll be damned if my local fast food places didn't have their facts hidden somewhere out of plain view. It doesn't take a genius to know its bad for you but the fact is that some people are eating it everyday, Food Inc did a nice vicious circle about fast food how families see spending $5 for a meal at McDonalds as easier and more cost efficient than spending $10 at a grocery store for the same items but then having to pay more in medical bills to fight diabetes, etc.

No one is saying fast food isn't bad for you because it is, its all processed and anyone who took 10th grade Bio in the last 15 years knows that fast food and its nutritional values always comes up but the real trick is responsibility McDonalds just makes the food, they don't force you to buy it. If people know the facts and continue to eat it for whatever reason then they have chosen their path and people really need to learn to mind their own damn business and stop crusading to save people.
Exactly. Its no secret that its bad for you. But it is also no secret that the buisness is not going to advertsise these facts.

But the man that made this documentary seemed to have a very strong pro organic food agenda and seemed to consider McDonalds to be tantamount to smoking cigarettes, which it isnt in any way.
What annoys me most though is how McDonalds seems to be singled out. Ever since that movie, everyone seems to avoid McDonalds and prefer Burger King or Wendies, because they think it is healthier.

Personally, I have been a regular fast food eater since I can remember. I am on the go alot and grab it whenever I do. I can say that overall I eat it about 3 times a week. But at the same time, I eat small portions and am a frequent exercisor. So im in great shape.
Here we go :rolleyes2

Try not to justify this so much Ween. There's a reason you're overweight and no not all of it is fast food. But if it don't come from nature, it's not optimal, and really not fit for human consumption. And my god just look at that pic- gross food.

Supersize me is dramatics 101. They make the point by taking it to an extreme so it becomes virtually inarguable in context. What the basis of the movie is though, how much fat, calories, etc that you ingest in one sitting was alarming, back then we didn't have nutrition facts on the food remember? I'll be damned if my local fast food places didn't have their facts hidden somewhere out of plain view. It doesn't take a genius to know its bad for you but the fact is that some people are eating it everyday, Food Inc did a nice vicious circle about fast food how families see spending $5 for a meal at McDonalds as easier and more cost efficient than spending $10 at a grocery store for the same items but then having to pay more in medical bills to fight diabetes, etc.

No one is saying fast food isn't bad for you because it is, its all processed and anyone who took 10th grade Bio in the last 15 years knows that fast food and its nutritional values always comes up but the real trick is responsibility McDonalds just makes the food, they don't force you to buy it. If people know the facts and continue to eat it for whatever reason then they have chosen their path and people really need to learn to mind their own damn business and stop crusading to save people.

your right people choose their path about what they eat, but then they still end up suing the companies. just like in that Super Size Me the guy mentioned two sisters who were eating lots of fast food. then they got fat and they sued. well you should not even be able to file a law suit because your the stupid one and made bad decisions. you should not be able to sue for reasons like that. just like people who smoke there whole lives then sue the tobacco companies when they get cancer.
Try not to justify this so much Ween. There's a reason you're overweight and no not all of it is fast food. But if it don't come from nature, it's not optimal, and really not fit for human consumption. And my god just look at that pic- gross food.

So where do Happy Meals come from Also, I don't see granola bars growing in the wild. Point is, everything in life should be consumed in moderation.