No SS armored Characters for the next few years?

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Memnoch21 said:
I'm plenty confident. Why arent people crying about no droids like they do about no troopers yet? The droids are FAR more iconic in my eyes than Stormtroopers. Sideshow is looking, no doubt, for durability along with posability and asthetics. Remember durability was why they made Jabba from a harder vinyl.

Dont get me started on Jabba's stiff ass. 1/6 scale PF?????
I dont think "durability" has anything to do with it. How can Medicom do it and it be durable enough be SS needs a friggin thousand years to do R&D to get it "just right"? L A M E!
DCFett said:
Dont get me started on Jabba's stiff ass. 1/6 scale PF?????
I dont think "durability" has anything to do with it. How can Medicom do it and it be durable enough be SS needs a friggin thousand years to do R&D to get it "just right"? L A M E!

Leave my stiff ass out of this!!!!:monkey5
Well DC I dont know what to tell you but it seems, if SS is so "lame", you should move on to greener pastures instead of waiting though all this lame-ness.

If it werent for SS you wouldn't even be SEEING a 1/6 Jabba that wasnt a complete statue. And as far as durability and Medicom... yea they do a fantastic job... for about $100 to $150. Sideshow probably wants to put a product out within the $70 range and have it hold up just as well which probably isn't going to be that easy. Lastly, if you are tired of waiting, have some figures commissioned by one of the artists here. Hurricane can make you an AMAZING Vader that no one will probably top, also his clones are just phenominal. Just expect to pay what they are worth. Always alternatives and no reason to cry foul when they aren't doing what you want.
tomandshell said:
And I think Vader will be the first "armored" figure because he requires less armor than a Stormtrooper and is the next advancement after Boushh. (I hope.)

I agree with you.

BTW, what's your problem with Eskimos?
Hey, does anyone here actually know how long the armored characters took to develop at Medicom? That would be an interesting fact to add to this debate, don't you think??? :monkey3
Wor-Gar said:
I agree with you.

BTW, what's your problem with Eskimos?

I have a problem with Eskimos... their pies caused me to gain weight!

and Lonnie, that is an interesting question. I seem to remember rumblings of Fett over a year ago. So who knows how long he was being worked on before info was leaked out.
Wor-Gar said:
BTW, what's your problem with Eskimos?

No matter how I beg and plead, they will never share their gold:

lcummins said:
Hey, does anyone here actually know how long the armored characters took to develop at Medicom? That would be an interesting fact to add to this debate, don't you think??? :monkey3

Funny, with the talk of SS not deserving the license etc, these ignorant posters actually assume that LF wasn't asking these type of questions. Somehow SS was able to pull the wool over the eyes of the largest film francise, and deceive them into thinking they were up to task :lol . I love how so many collectors here seem to know exactly how a company runs and how things are put through R&D, we are truly surrounded by greatness. A company shouldn't call their products "perfection," right; you know like all the other products out there - suggesting only mediocrity for their wares.

lcummins said:
Hey, does anyone here actually know how long the armored characters took to develop at Medicom? That would be an interesting fact to add to this debate, don't you think??? :monkey3

not sure but how long after Jedi Luke was Vader and the Stormtrooper released?
It is somewhat amusing how far we can go on such a small amount of information. What we know about as official releases are just the tip of the iceberg. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall at Sideshow! The Lucas folks have a much wider view of what Sideshow is doing with the line, and they obviously seem to be pretty happy with what is going on behind the scenes. I believe the future is bright, even if we aren't allowed to see it until it arrives bit by bit.
pixletwin said:
Like the Darklord said folks... Even if they preview Darth Frickin Vader at Toy Fair We wouldn't get him prolly until early next year... Everyone is just over analyzing these people's words.

As a friend of mine use to say: Settle down pilgrim.

I know. People need to settle down and quit making such stupid ass comments.

LOTRFan said:
Funny, with the talk of SS not deserving the license etc, these ignorant posters actually assume that LF wasn't asking these type of questions. Somehow SS was able to pull the wool over the eyes of the largest film francise, and deceive them into thinking they were up to task :lol . I love how so many collectors here seem to know exactly how a company runs and how things are put through R&D, we are truly surrounded by greatness. A company shouldn't call their products "perfection," right; you know like all the other products out there - suggesting only mediocrity for their wares.


Amazing aint it? This is some of the crap that I just get tired of reading.
SOME of you guys act really ignorant when it comes to ANYONE having a complaint with SS. "Go to greener patures" L A M E!
If you are SO damn tired of reading it, think how we feel when we hear the suction action of your lips all the time when ever SS speaks?! YOU should calm down and quit the bashing of folks who dont attack you PERSONALLY but are just a bit disgruntled with SS. You all are not owners and have NO additional stock than anyone else. EVERYONE has the right to their opinion and your "go back to where ever" attitude is just par for the course.
And I'll go on record right now and predict that when they are made the price point won't be that much different to Medis.

Define much different. I would be willing bet that they will be close to 33% less. And before you start with the whole import BS save it, that is like I said BS. They cost just as much in Japan which last time I checked not a country they have to import them.
Wow.. guess I hit a nerve. I in no way personally attacked you DC. I merely said if you are tired of SS decsions there are places to get your fix from. Have you seen Hurricanes work? If I had the money I would much rather just have him custom figures for me. I have no problem when people voice legit complaints but calling the lack of fully armored figures after just 10 full releases and handfull more preorders to me seems VERY premature. As I said, I see no one up in arms that we don't have droids yet which I would aruge are far more important than Stormtroopers.
mfoga said:
Define much different. I would be willing bet that they will be close to 33% less. And before you start with the whole import BS save it, that is like I said BS. They cost just as much in Japan which last time I checked not a country they have to import them.

Maybe, maybe not.

Guess we'll have to wait and see, won't we?

And we'll be waiting a while.....
DCFett said:
SOME of you guys act really ignorant when it comes to ANYONE having a complaint with SS. "Go to greener patures" L A M E!
If you are SO damn tired of reading it, think how we feel when we hear the suction action of your lips all the time when ever SS speaks?! YOU should calm down and quit the bashing of folks who dont attack you PERSONALLY but are just a bit disgruntled with SS. You all are not owners and have NO additional stock than anyone else. EVERYONE has the right to their opinion and your "go back to where ever" attitude is just par for the course.

:monkey2 :monkey2
I agree, there ARE other places to go, but Im a SS fan just like everyone else. I dont think the figures are LAME, nor do I think SS on a whole is LAME. I started posting on this thread to say that I think the comment in the newsletter was LAME. That's it. The whole "if you dont like it, you can GIT OUT!" is not necessary and seems to be the default judgement around here.
I just want SS to get on with it. Im a completist and have no intention of dropping the line (though I wouldnt fault anyone for doing so) and it would quell my angst if they did the droids as well. I just tend to cringed when I think about it b/c I dont have a lot of hope that they'd be THAT much different in articulation than the Hasbro figures. PLEASE let them be super articulated, please, please, please.