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I'm lost...
To be fair, if Emma had more to her it might help. Like Selena Gomez, she's got a babyface.
Quick question for anyone who read the graphic novel: what's with the flaming sword in the ground?
Hopefully they show the Giants (Genesis 6:4) and that all flesh that was corrupted during that time, which was the reason why God sent the flood to begin with(it wasn't just wickedness and sin that sent the flood),as the Devil's plan was to prevent Christ,the redeemer, from reaching the Cross.Noah,was perfect in his generations,without blemish(did not have the nephilim corrupted genetic bloodline) Genesis 6:9. God took favor in Noah and spared him and his family to start over again...though they (these Giants) appeared again in numbers 13:33

But I highly doubt Hollywood would tell the Biblical truth

Giants........ :lol
I've always gotten a kick that the Bible has things/events that happen, which if they happened outside of the Bible, people would declare it witchcraft, sorcery, obvious fiction and be completely unaccepted by the general public. But since its in the Bible, its automatically viewed as truth with no further common sense/thought applied. They're paralyzed with fear to even dare to think otherwise... :lol

If it's not going to be too Christian-ey, i'm down for this. I'm all for a good story, and the Bible does have good stories. Just keep them as such.

In my humble opinion.

Hard to imagine it being too Christian-ey when Christianity - or any monotheistic religion - didn't even exist at the time.
God was so pissed off that no one was worshiping him that he killed everyone except for one family. Sounds like a great family film.
Out of curiosity, is this a movie you plan on watching or do you see it as sacrilegious to make what us essentially a fan-fic version of a Bible story?

I know you didn't ask me but as long as they don't change the world view of Christ being God and the one path to salvation (which probably won't even come up in this movie) I don't mind some embellishment for the sake of good Hollywood fun. If they want to add monsters or aliens, I guess I'm game.

It's not like people suddenly started believing that Abraham Lincoln slaughtered vampires just because of one popcorn movie. :lol
I know you didn't ask me but as long as they don't change the world view of Christ being God and the one path to salvation (which probably won't even come up in this movie) I don't mind some embellishment for the sake of good Hollywood fun. If they want to add monsters or aliens, I guess I'm game.

It's not like people suddenly started believing that Abraham Lincoln slaughtered vampires just because of one popcorn movie. :lol

Wait he didn't? :monkey2
God was so pissed off that no one was worshiping him that he killed everyone except for one family. Sounds like a great family film.

Actually God sent the flood to save His church. How could Noah's sons and future generations survive a world that hate God, hated their neighbors, and lived in a lawless world? They couldn't. God promised to send a Savior at the fall into sin and He kept his promise by saving Noah and his family through the flood and thus preserving the Messianic line. Reading the account of the flood by itself tells you this, but reading the entire book of Genesis and then following that up with later books such as the prophets and Gospels, it's even more clear that's what is happening. You can choose to believe none of this happened and believe it's a myth. I don't want to tell you otherwise because it's apparent you've made up your mind. That's up to you and a faceless stranger on the internet won't be able to persuade you otherwise. But if you think it's just a myth, you can't go and change the words and message that were written because that's how you interpret it. Scripture has one truth and it all comes back to Jesus. I don't understand why atheists/agnostics feel the need to try to point out the supposed contradictions and flaws of Scripture. If you don't believe it, why waste your time looking through it?

Anyways, this movie doesn't look like it's trying to pretend being true to Scripture. I don't see a big problem with this. I think the "Da Vinci Code" was more problematic because it had just enough history mixed with fiction to confuse people into believing things that never happened. It's interesting that Biblical Epics are making a come back. I'm most excited for "Pontius Pilate" and am hopeful they stay true to the Gospels and the works of Josephus which will make for a good story no matter whether you believe it to be historical truth or not.
Are the big **** off angels still in this? I'm very excited by the idea of this film, I hope the reality is as exciting.
I know you didn't ask me but as long as they don't change the world view of Christ being God and the one path to salvation (which probably won't even come up in this movie) I don't mind some embellishment for the sake of good Hollywood fun. If they want to add monsters or aliens, I guess I'm game.

It's not like people suddenly started believing that Abraham Lincoln slaughtered vampires just because of one popcorn movie. :lol

Mostly agreed. I don't mind extra-Biblical embellishments. Scripture contains insufficient detail with which to recreate the scene and dialogue. The Biblical account is a framework, not a script or storyboard.

I'd add a few caveats to that. Extra-Biblical is fine to an extent, but counter-Biblical isn't, and will alienate the target audience. Don't contradict what's there, but embellishing to add detail is necessary. The second caveat is that the subject matter should be taken seriously ... which is where I'd disagree with you on aliens or extra-Biblical "monsters". Don't make the source material into a punch line.

Third ... avoid political embellishments like the plague. Let the story speak for itself ... don't make it a vehicle to speak for you.

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