Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy (BB/TDK/TDKR)

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You mean best Joker movie ever? I didn't see anything outstanding from Batman in that movie. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I saw Batman at all....

Joker movie? The Joker had about 30 minutes of screen time.:dunno
Rises featured more of Bruce Wayne, but they are one and the same.

If you consider Bale's character to be an accurate representation of Bruce Wayne....

You say that like it's a bad thing. :lol Quit hating, TDK was a great movie, one of the best CBM's ever made. :lecture

Yeah, it was ok. Too bad it will never be part of a larger continuity. Oh, well, I guess the Nolan trilogy may go down in history as the last time a director got to turn a superhero franchise into his own personal arthouse project. :lecture
If you consider Bale's character to be an accurate representation of Bruce Wayne....

Yeah, it was ok. Too bad it will never be part of a larger continuity. Oh, well, I guess the Nolan trilogy may go down in history as the last time a director got to turn a superhero franchise into his own personal arthouse project. :lecture

No it wasn't just okay, it was great. But hey, what do I know? WB should let you take over, you seem to have great taste in movies and actors.

Cumberbatch forz Batmen!!! :rotfl


Batman in an awesome martial arts sequence with Liam "I'm the mutha****in' Demon's Head+Qui Gon Jin+Taken dude all rolled into one Badass mutha" Neeson>>>>Satipo jumping ship while constiParker tries to flex a train into stopping.:lecture
Batman in an awesome martial arts sequence with Liam "I'm the mutha****in' Demon's Head+Qui Gon Jin+Taken dude all rolled into one Badass mutha" Neeson>>>>Satipo jumping ship while constiParker tries to flex a train into stopping.:lecture

It was hardly an awesome martial arts sequence. Like most of the hand-to-hand combat in the Nolan trilogy it was so up-close and cut to smithereens you couldn't tell who was hitting who. Great film, but its fights weren't its strong point.
spiderman train scene over begins? really?

I agree that the fight scenes were cut up badly but it was wayy better than the spiderman one
I don't know why that would surprise anyone. That Spiderman 2 train fight was amazing, probably the high point of that film and recognised as such by a lot of people.

When was the train sequence in BB ever considered a high point? :dunno That film is excellent for many reasons, the train bit not particularly standing out however. I mean it was fine but certainly not mindblowing like the Spiderman 2 battle was at the time and is still now
I always liked the fight scenes. They were brutal and visceral, and I wish they'd maintained that in the sequels. He's not a ballerina, he's the ******* Batman, and his job is to kick the **** out of you if you're a criminal, not look good doing it.
They did. :dunno That was my complaint about the Nolan films. The fight scenes always underwhelmed me.

No, it seemed like, at certain times, they tried to make them more "choreographed," and it showed. The quick shots in Begins were awesome, and I loved that.