I think many people are just naive enough to believe he's only talking about the truly wealthy, when in fact his proposals would take income from pretty much everyone who makes a dime and give more to those who already pay zero taxes.Why people aren't terrified of Obama's desire to "spread the wealth" (substitute "to each according to their need from each according to their means") shows an incredible level of ignorance in the electorate.
I think many people are just naive enough to believe he's only talking about the truly wealthy, when in fact his proposals would take income from pretty much everyone who makes a dime and give more to those who already pay zero taxes.
More welfare, more people reliant on government to survive.
I think many people are just naive enough to believe he's only talking about the truly wealthy, when in fact his proposals would take income from pretty much everyone who makes a dime and give more to those who already pay zero taxes.
More welfare, more people reliant on government to survive.
Irish, this is the America we now live in. People don't care where the money and entitlements come from as long as they're getting theirs. They think they deserve it. It's a right. They should be equal with the rich guy who makes his money through a small business, or from the person who worked hard to get an education and lands a well-paying job. It all goes hand-in-hand with the liberal mentality that people should be equal in EVERYTHING, and where disparity exists, it must be due to racism, sexism, fascism, etc., etc.
I get so sick of hearing this lie repeated that conservatives are for the rich people and the left is for the "little guy." The truth is, conservatives are for hard-working individualists and the left is for the entitlement crowd who demand equal outcomes.
You must be mistaken because I've been told by the under 30 crowd (even a high schooler)that he is not. You know even if Joe the plumber wasn't exactly who he said he was, the facts remain the same. Barrack Obama was caught on camera saying we need to spread the wealth around.In other words. He's a fecking Socialist....and too many don't want to see it.
Its really disgusting how bad the current government had to ^^^^ up to get people in this country believing a socialist is the best alternative for the White House.
Or at least how well the Democrats have been able to convince the American people how terrible the current administration is. I thought it was bad during Reagan's 8 years, but that was nothing compared to the constant barrage Bush has endured since 2000. (not saying he's been a perfect president BTW)
I like how Bill and Hillary both said Saddam had WMD's and needed to be stopped. Now after the US military and its Allies removed Saddam and his sons from power because they didn't abide by the resolutions put forth after the first Gulf War President Bush is considered a war monger and a war criminal. What about when President Clinton enforced the resolutions? Why was he given a free pass.That pretty much sums it up. The media has been feeding the minds of the American people for years, and people listen. Many people out there actually believe Clinton was one of our best presidents, courtesy of the media machine.
McCain/Palin deserves to lose for spending too much time criticizing their rival and not enough time explaining their vision for America. Plus the fact that McCain went and picked a genuinely unintelligent person to be Vice President.
That being said...........
Ventura 2012! (time to ^^^^ the repubs and the dems)
Al Qeda, Hamas, Chavez, Iran.(can't forget the hippie peace dude)Where is Obama getting all these millions for his campaign? Certainly, businesses can't believe he's the right guy considering his desire to redistribute their income?
It is now that you posted in it.(is this right?)
This thread is made of fail!
McCain/Palin deserves to lose for spending too much time criticizing their rival and not enough time explaining their vision for America. Plus the fact that McCain went and picked a genuinely unintelligent person to be Vice President.
That being said...........
Ventura 2012! (time to ^^^^ the repubs and the dems)
This thread is made of fail!