Sith Lord 0498 said:Well, to take a pause from the verbal sparring here, I'd have to say that I'm a bit underwhelmed by Obi-Wan...ONLY because we had so many production delays because things needed to be fixed. How did paint shades get past QC again??? The hair is too dark, and that harms the piece. And I really hope that lopsided eye isn't on all of them.
HOWEVER, I think it's going to be the best figure yet. Paint issues aside, it still looks like Ewan McGregor!! Only Luke can measure up to Obi-Wan in the sculpt department, and I think Obi-Wan will be an all around better figure because the costume won't be so tight and his arm (hopefully) won't be falling off w/o modifications.
My opinion so far: everything should've been perfect because of the delays, but I have no regrets on ordering this and having to choose this one over Mace (although I'm getting him ASAP).
And that Grievous blaster is frickin' HUGE!!!
EDIT: Oh heck, who am I kidding...this figure looks AMAZING!!! Thanks to Josh for the hi-res shots. It's more obvious there that the hair does have shading in it.
I couldn't agree more with your statement.