Obi-Wan's Production Photos Posted

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Darth Rage said:
Sorry to be blunt, but why is that people that are satisfied with these figures get so bent out of shape when others are less than satisfied with them?

It's not that others get bent out of shape because some people don't like a piece. It really is what the people say that gets some folks bent out of shape. If one thing is wrong the piece gets damned or the whole line does. People over react plain and simple. Not to mention some folks just can't say they don't like something without being a troll. I realize some people aren't as good with words but you can say you don't like something without saying the thing is a piece of **** more or less.

A question back at ya. Why is it for those of that do like how these come out we end up being the bad guys? How can you like this!? Only the SS Cheerleaders will like this or something worded better but with the same meaning. It does happen and I know we've all seen it.

The road works both ways but honestly I think those that tend to find fault with every piece don't think it does. They feel they are the only ones being pounded on or picked on.

We're all adults here or well most of us are in age anyway so why is wording things on how we dislike things so hard. I mean I can say something sucks without coming out and saying it. That way nobody can take offense. It doesn't take much effort to do so.

carbo-fation said:
All SS has to do is fix the haircolor, and everything will be fine! :monkey3

Gonna be kind of hard since he is shipping. :lol
Aragorn production pics are up!

Looks pretty good. Every time I get a SW 12" it always looks better in person, so I think I'll will be happy when Obi shows up. I keep saying this in other forums, but SSC needs to hire a better photographer. She never gets any shots that show how great these figures are. There's always too much shadowing around the eyes. We can't even see that he has blue eyes.

Anyways I can't wait to get him!
pjam said:


Disclaimer:please understand I am basing my comments based on the production photos and reserve final judgment until I see him in hand.

"The Obi production piece is very close to the SDCC display Obi" - Brandt

I'm paraphrasing Brandt (SSC Operations) in a SDCC chat session, unfortunately the SSC QC in China got it wrong again based on these pics of the actual production piece -- the hair is way too dark, eyebrows blown again, beard dark brown not light brown and I hope the eye color is at least okay. Because of this there will be another Huuuuge Obi repaint thread and I'm sorry but I am getting tired of receiving products which looked so great in terms of "correct paint apps coloring" in prototype changed to an inaccurate and non-representative piece in production...

Yeah, some of you artists can change that, but the rest of us (all except about 5 of you) either have to live with it or shell out another $50 to get it to look like it was supposed to look and I've just about had it.

I will base my final judgment when I receive this item but my suspicion is this is another great sculpt blown by bad oversight management at the China paint factory. Can I please ask what is the big ****** problem anyway? You paint one head like the display or prototype and use it as your approved paint app head at the factory, everyone paints the head like that, using those colors, watchful not to overpaint in certain areas (like eyebrows) and a Factory operations manager ensures they are painted correctly before SSC Operations approves them for shipment...

How can no-one be paying attention here, to anakins lips, eyebrows, and now this dark hair color change? I am really hoping not to be disappointed Again!

I agree with you 100%. This was the figure that got me into this line. The likeness was amazing and the paint apps even better. The SDCC pics had my drooling over getting this. These pics have me worried. I will wait and reserve judgement until I have him in hand, like I've done for all my pieces and like everyone here should do as well. I just really hope that he's closer to the prototype version than the new pics.
I've been scratching my head about the eye color thing. Ewan's eyes are green, yet on every figure I've seen of Obi-Wan, they're blue. Was Ewan wearing contacts in the movies, or have the toy guys been getting it wrong all these years?
Pjam is 100% dead-on, except for one thing: It's Brant, not Brandt.

That small nitpick aside, I agree with your post.

I've said numerous times that if the factory screwed up the production Obi-Wan that I would have a **** fit. Well, it's unfortunately looking like that is going to happen if these latest pics are any indication.

What a damn shame. The painters in the factory in China truly blow. I'm sorry, there is just no f'ing way to sugarcoat it. Sure, production pieces will never look as detailed as one-off prototypes. But there are NUMEROUS (and continual) problems with the SSC production paint apps: wrong coloring, lack of blending, too much paint (especially on eyebrows), etc. Like PJAM and others I have about @#$! had it. WTF is the deal? Surely SSC can institute SOME kind of better QC in regards to these paint apps. Pay the workers an extra 1/2 cent an hour. SOMETHING. :banghead

Crap, at the very least try to start painting the prototypes in a manner that the cruddy factory can pull off.

Sorry for the additional rant, but seeing these production pieces compared to what was shown at SDCC really pisses me off, especially after the delay with this item (and because it was looking to be the best SW 12" ever).

I'm pissed. :mad:
pjam said:

That picture looks so good it's scary. It's like Ewan himself was shrunk down to 1/6 scale. To see these final production pics is a huge disappointment IMHO. It's ridiculous that Sideshow gets everyone's hopes up with a perfectly painted figure like this and then pulls the rug out from under them with another sub-par effort. How hard is it for SS to find some people capable of doing decent paint jobs on these figures? How many more of their great sculpts are going to be wasted with inferior paint applications before they realize someone else should get the contract? One thing's for sure: they'll be keeping the great customizers like Custom Mikey, Les Walker and Dark Artist in business for a LOOOOONG time if they keep this up.
carbo-fation said:
All SS has to do is fix the haircolor, and everything will be fine! :monkey3

I don't think the factory painters are bad in the least bit. In fact I've been totally impressed so far with the tiny detail in the eyes of each figure and the lines have been pretty good too.

It's just why can't they paint them the right color???

I know a lot of you defend this with "well I'll drybrush this or I'll touch up that" but I the bottom line is we should not have to do that. These are not $70 paint by numbers kits here. I'm a MIB'er (who will NEVER sell these before anyone makes a quip!)and only open up my figures from time to time to play around with when the urges hit and I wouldn't dare even do the water treatment on them much less paint on them.

Secondly, all the comparision about "well it's not as bad as ___" don't fly with me either. This is the SS production Obi-Wan figure we're talking about here and whether or not it's as good or bad as any other product is neither here nor there to me.

That said, I see lots of praise about the cloak color yet no one has mentioned how 100% totally and incrediblly wrong his tunic color is?


It's tan not white. I'd would rather have had a darker robe than a white tunic because the tan tunic is what's most noticable about his Ep3 costume IMO.

I'm not bashing SS, I just want them to step it up a little bit with some of their finished products. I know that the production versions will not look as good as the protos but when it's simple things like paint and costume colors, there's really no excuse I can think of as to why they can't be accurate to the film, especially when they get them mostly right in the prototype pics so it's not that SS doesnt' know what they're supposed to look like.

As far as some here playing board God and deciding who we "do or do not need here", maybe you're the ones who need to chill ot. There's nothing wrong with voicing your concern and hoping for better changes in the future. We're the ones keeping SS in business so if we don't, who will?
Darth Rage said:
Yup, I clicked on every last one of them, and scrolled around my monitor to look at every last bit of their hi-res detail, and you know what? They still show his hair and beard to be the wrong color.
As I posted earlier, I don't think color matching should not be that much to ask for. Maybe it is. I don't think we can attribute these differneces to lighting in the photos either. The two look like night and day in the photos that I believe Darth waller posted initially (thanks by the way). Again I keep saying photos becasue that's all we have to go on right now.

As far as comments such as "people whining about the demo version from the toy shows".....C'mon have a little respect for other people's opinion's rather than disregarding them as whining. I'm not sure if your comment was directed at me or not, but I personally think I made a valid point. If the product doesn't look like what was advertised, why wouldn't you voice your opinion? Or maybe you should join collector freak under that troll bridge. It's just rude. Sorry to be blunt, but why is that people that are satisfied with these figures get so bent out of shape when others are less than satisfied with them?

You lashed out in anger... now finish him.... I get your Avatar's name. :D No, I am fine with people sharing their opinions. In fact, I encourage healthy debate. That's what this country and these forums are for. However, the "whining" I am talking about is related to comments like "oh my god, its horrible. I am dropping this line." or ":lol ". They bring nothing to the discussion, and are way too reactionary to be useful. Discuss your fears and hopes, but withhold the final decision til you have an Obi Wan physically in front of you.
jlcmsu said:
It's not that others get bent out of shape because some people don't like a piece. It really is what the people say that gets some folks bent out of shape. If one thing is wrong the piece gets damned or the whole line does. People over react plain and simple. Not to mention some folks just can't say they don't like something without being a troll. I realize some people aren't as good with words but you can say you don't like something without saying the thing is a piece of **** more or less.

A question back at ya. Why is it for those of that do like how these come out we end up being the bad guys? How can you like this!? Only the SS Cheerleaders will like this or something worded better but with the same meaning. It does happen and I know we've all seen it.

The road works both ways but honestly I think those that tend to find fault with every piece don't think it does. They feel they are the only ones being pounded on or picked on.

We're all adults here or well most of us are in age anyway so why is wording things on how we dislike things so hard. I mean I can say something sucks without coming out and saying it. That way nobody can take offense. It doesn't take much effort to do so.

Well I try to remain polite and civil but as you and I both know it just doesn't always end up that way. As far as damning the line, I just think that there have been enough issues with past figures where some of us are about ready to throw in the towel on collecting this line.

As far as people who like pieces that have come out, I for one don't think I have ever made you as a group out to be "bad guys." Look back at my posts, I have written that I am glad people are satisfied with this figure's photo's. Am I surprised? Sure. But that is my opinion. People all want to think their opinion is valid and often feel surprised when a group doesn't agree with them. I think it is just human nature. So in that case, I agree the road goes both ways. But before I get all philosophical over an action figure and group mentality I will say that I take offense when I think someone is calling my opinion whining. Its derogatory and insulting plain and simple.
DouglasMcc said:
You lashed out in anger... now finish him.... I get your Avatar's name. :D No, I am fine with people sharing their opinions. In fact, I encourage healthy debate. That's what this country and these forums are for. However, the "whining" I am talking about is related to comments like "oh my god, its horrible. I am dropping this line." or ":lol ". They bring nothing to the discussion, and are way too reactionary to be useful. Discuss your fears and hopes, but withhold the final decision til you have an Obi Wan physically in front of you.

:cool: Awesome....please accept my apologies for my misperception of your post.
IrishJedi said:
Pjam is 100% dead-on, except for one thing: It's Brant, not Brandt.

Thanks Irish, I made that correction in my post, it took me 6 seconds. Now why didn't SSC correct the paint apps in 9 months? :confused:
The SSC Can Never Do Wrong contingent can spin this all they want, but I'm sorry... NIGHT AND FREAKIN' DAY:


It's seriously heartbreaking how badly the factory can drop the ball on some of these paints apps (on characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan at that!)... even worse that SSC doesn't seem keen to do anything about it.

IrishJedi said:
The SSC Can Never Do Wrong contingent can spin this all they want, but I'm sorry... NIGHT AND FREAKIN' DAY:


It's seriously heartbreaking how badly the factory can drop the ball on some of these paints apps (on characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan at that!)... even worse that SSC doesn't seem keen to do anything about it.


Definitely looks like they "wormed" the eyebrows again on this figure... what the hell is going on here? :confused:
Aside from clothing and obviously being based on the same sculpt this doesn't even look like the same product!

SSC, it's time to !$#@# do something about the production paint apps (or QC thereof). Obi-Wan is the final !%$! straw for me.

Note the newly revamped signature.
The thing that confuses me is how eager some are to dump this line at the first sign of a different paint app. The stuff SSC is producing is a quantum leap beyond the stuff that Hasbro was putting out in all respects, and yet people seem to be willing to quit this line at the drop of a hat. I'm not trying to condemn anyone for having an opinion, but when you look at what was coming out before SSC took over this line I'm amazed that something like darker brown hair can send people over the edge like this.
Ow, that shows it a bit more. I don't know, it looks more like they just slapped the paint on there. The previous pics before the production actually had detail in the paint, like in the eyebrows it had some kind of show of hairs, where in these pics it's more like big blocky lines over his eyes, and the skin tone is horrible. Is it just me or did the sculpt lose detail?

I'm kinda glad I got the regular from a different retailer, but I'd really like to believe that it'll end up looking better than that once we get it in our hands. I think that maybe if it's that bad I might get someone to custom it.

I'm still going to keep it though and continue buying, I just might get someone to do a better paint job and make it better. Hmm, maybe I could get my brother to fix it over christmas break when I go back home.
IrishJedi said:
The SSC Can Never Do Wrong contingent can spin this all they want, but I'm sorry... NIGHT AND FREAKIN' DAY:


It's seriously heartbreaking how badly the factory can drop the ball on some of these paints apps (on characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan at that!)... even worse that SSC doesn't seem keen to do anything about it.


Okay, I guess I will get labelled a "SS Cheerleader" here, but take a look at those photos. The first one looks like it was done by a professional photographer.. or at least someone who knew what they were doing. Minimal flash to his face to avoid the skin texture looking washed out. Good shadowing to emphasis the facial details. Etc. Now look at the "infamous" production photo. Obi looks like he just look directly into the Ark of the Covenant for heaven's sake. I hate to insult someone I do not know, but Sideshow needs to get a new photographer. I realize that the figure A.) is going to be lower quality than a hand-painted proto and B.) the color is much darker. However, I really doubt it is as bad as the photographs make it look. As Micheal Crawford can attest, lighting and such can drastically alter a photo image.