Obi-Wan's Production Photos Posted

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Okay, I am not trying to berate or mock IrishJedi. However, his "demands" are pipe dreams:

1. Replace the QC Manager at the Chinese production factory who oversees the production paint apps.

How is it the QC managers fault? Or at the very least JUST his fault. We have no ideas what the other factors in this business model are: 1.) quality of work force available, 2.) factory conditions, 3.) manufacturing budget, 4.) complete project time available and used, etc. Blaming one man/ small group for a mass produced item such as this is impossible. I tend to feel these are quality items. You feel differently. But don't blindly blame people with no way of knowing who's at fault. For all we know, Sideshow could be undercutting the manufacturer's budget in order to maximize profits (not accusing, just illustrating different scenarios).

2. New, More Proportional Base Bodies!!

Okay, this is do-able. But, Sideshow has said from the beginning they are working on this. Would you have rather waited another year or two for them to make these figures?

3. Customikey for Star Wars 12" Prototype/Master Head Sculpt Painter!

I will say upfront, Customikey's work is great. However, what good would it do to make him the SS prototype head painter? So you could feel even more disappointed when the production figure shipped? Custom figures will ALWAYS be better than mass produced figures. That's why they cost so much more. Do you want Mikey and a small cartel of his talented friends to move to China and paint these figures by hand? While these would be amazing to look at, not sure the majority of the collectors would want to pay 200 to 300 bucks and fight over a few hundred figures. Sideshow would have to charge that much to make a profit and ensure the line didn't die. I also applaud Mikey's scupting skills, but 99.9% of Sideshow's sculpts are great. Its the manufacturing process that causes the hiccups. So, once again, you goal would just lead to more frustration and anger.

I apologize if I offended you Irish. However, you still have the option of having someone like Customikey modify Obi by putting him on a new body and custom painting his head. And, in the end, you will probably still be spending less money than it would cost to get that same product direct from Sideshow in the quality you desire.

P.S. With all the bashing of proto to production, can anyone provide an example of a 12" figure (any manufacturer) having a paintjob as nice as a custom job, but still remaining in the magical 50 to 80 range? If so, I would welcome the examples.

Edit: I just saw this comment by IrishJedi and I must comment:

I've seen mass market figures with better, more detailed paint apps than this Obi-Wan.

Right, you have seen them. I would hope you mean SEEN THEM IN PERSON. As many are doing here, you are judging a product based on a few badily photographed images. Save this rant til you have Obi in hand. If its still that bad in your opinion, I can accept your belief. But pre-judging with minimal evidence doesn't accomplish anything.
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TheObsoleteMan said:
Somehow, I don't think it would be cost effective to fly just the prototype to and from China to have it painted.

So, you're saying they only have the one figure and no others? Somehow I think there are a few of these sculpted in the beginning stages and it wouldn't be that big of a deal to Overnight one of them to China, get it painted and have it sent back. Basically, what I'm saying is that they need to display figures that are representative of what the final production pieces will look like, not have a perfect professional paint job that gets everyone's hopes up only to leave them disappointed(which is exactly what has happened in this case).
DouglasMcc said:
However, the "whining" I am talking about is related to comments like "oh my god, its horrible. I am dropping this line." or ":lol ". They bring nothing to the discussion, and are way too reactionary to be useful. Discuss your fears and hopes, but withhold the final decision til you have an Obi Wan physically in front of you.

Exactly! That has always been what I have a problem with. I guess after a while of seeing posts like that you just get tired of reading all posts like that.

Darth Rage said:
Well I try to remain polite and civil but as you and I both know it just doesn't always end up that way. As far as damning the line, I just think that there have been enough issues with past figures where some of us are about ready to throw in the towel on collecting this line.

I know. It is hard sometimes to stay civil. I just don't think overall the issues that have been had are enough to do so but hey its not my money nor my call. So folks gotta do what they want.

Darth Rage said:
As far as people who like pieces that have come out, I for one don't think I have ever made you as a group out to be "bad guys." Look back at my posts, I have written that I am glad people are satisfied with this figure's photo's. Am I surprised? Sure. But that is my opinion. People all want to think their opinion is valid and often feel surprised when a group doesn't agree with them. I think it is just human nature. So in that case, I agree the road goes both ways. But before I get all philosophical over an action figure and group mentality I will say that I take offense when I think someone is calling my opinion whining. Its derogatory and insulting plain and simple.

Well, not you per say but it does seem that folks who have an issue seem go to the same extreme that some that like them do. The names get tossed around equally is what I'm saying. There are some examples of it in this very thread. Like you said folks have a right to feel the way they do. The simple solution is state it like an adult. Which you do fine and I try though sometimes I'm not successful. :lol I agree because I get tired when my liking something gets me called a SS cheerleader. It's all good.
DouglasMcc, no worries man. I'm not offended at all and your comments are dually noted and respected. And for the record, I'm not "demanding" anything... just expressing the few nits I have in regards to products I have generally enjoyed collecting.

You know what offends me, though? SSC showing something like the Obi-Wan at SDCC and then not even 2 months later allowing something vastly different to be shipped from the factory:


... and this AFTER a delay (for QC purposes, no less) because of the color of the Jedi Robes! What, SSC noticed that the robes were the wrong color but not Obi-Wan's HEAD itself?? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I think I'll just enjoy my figures and avoid these debates from now on. When I start discussing doll paint apps at this length, I know I'm taking my collecting too seriously.

I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.
TheObsoleteMan said:
I think I'll just enjoy my figures and avoid these debates from now on. When I start discussing doll paint apps at this length, I now I'm taking my cllecting too seriously.

I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.

You aint kiddin.:lol
wookilar8 said:
I definitly see a big difference from proto to production, but remember lighting is a huge factor. I've worked professionally with paint for 17 years and the difference in lighting is misleading. What I mean is certain lighting washes out color and direct or distance in lighting changes certain hues. The figure at Toy Fair is shown with distant lighting, colors blend better and shadow created effects look better.
Now after saying all this, I think the contrast in the hair color and flesh tone is what's bothering me the most. Oh and yes, the hair needs to be blonder. :monkey3

It seems to me they used the same hair coloring scheme as they did with Anakin which was too dark to begin with and Obi had lighter hair in the film.

You know, a lot of us were very forgiving with Anakin, yes he looked "different' compared to the proto, hair too dark, deco lips, "wormed" brows but everyone figured, okay, they may have messed up with this guy, everyone makes mistakes, they couldn't or didn't catch this one, we'll let it slide because we love this company and we all do. Fine, do what you have to to correct it because Andy b did a great HS but don't be too harsh, they are aware if this and we're confident it won't happen again, 'nuff said, move on...

Then this?

Sorry NO EXCUSE this time if it's true.
TheObsoleteMan said:
I think I'll just enjoy my figures and avoid these debates from now on. When I start discussing doll paint apps at this length, I now I'm taking my collecting too seriously.

That's because you're cool with the SSC factory painting these to look like dolls.


All debates aside, we're cool. We just don't see eye-to-eye here. Cheers. :duff
pjam said:
It seems to me they used the same hair coloring scheme as they did with Anakin which was too dark to begin with and Obi had lighter hair in the film.

You know, a lot of us were very forgiving with Anakin, yes he looked "different' compared to the proto, hair too dark, deco lips, "wormed" brows but everyone figured, okay, they may have messed up with this guy, everyone makes mistakes, they couldn't or didn't catch this one, we'll let it slide because we love this company and we all do. Fine, do what you have to to correct it because Andy b did a great HS but don't be too harsh, they are aware if this and we're confident it won't happen again, 'nuff said, move on...

Then this?

Sorry NO EXCUSE this time if it's true.

Once again, you have 100% hit the nail on the head, pjam.

Not only that, but remember all the "I can wait longer for a perfect Obi-Wan" talk when news of the production delay hit? Funny how that seems to have gone out the window as well. :cool:
pjam said:
You know, a lot of us were very forgiving with Anakin, yes he looked "different' compared to the proto, hair too dark, deco lips, "wormed" brows but everyone figured, okay, they may have messed up with this guy, everyone makes mistakes, they couldn't or didn't catch this one, we'll let it slide because we love this company and we all do. Fine, do what you have to to correct it because Andy b did a great HS but don't be too harsh, they are aware if this and we're confident it won't happen again, 'nuff said, move on...

I agree. Besides, the proto Anakin never looked as good as the proto Obi-Wan so it didn't set up everyone for a huge disappointment like they did with this figure. I can't even begin to say how disappointed I am with the final product pictures especially after my excitement upon seeing photos from SDCC.
Khev said:
Fully sculpted bodies, no pesky wrist joints, dead on likenesses AND production paint apps...see you guys for the next Premium Format preorder! :D


For the price and the scale of the PF, that is not a dead on likeness IMO. sorry.
IrishJedi said:
First of all, NOBODY is saying that we expect the production figures to look exactly like the one-off prototypes. That would be crazy. But the simple fact is that some of us think that the drop-off in quality is just too damn much, especially considering the price-point of these figures. SSC is a company that prides itself in producing museum-quality, high-end collectible pieces. We should expect more than just a few notches above what can be found at the local Toys R Us... even when it comes to the paint apps. Remember, the are no more than about 10,000 of these figures. Not in the tens of thousands (or millions) like most other mass-market SW toys.

Secondly, if this is how it's going to be and the Chinese factory is going to continue to deliver us soft, overpainted heads with the wrong colors then the least SSC can do is attempt to emulate this inferior painting technique on the prototypes as well.

The drop-off in quality from the Obi-Wan shown at SDCC to production pics on SSC's site is not just a letdown... it's a downright gut-kick to me. Seriously, my heart sank when I logged on this evening and saw these pics. :(

Irish thank God youre here. It makes less work for some of us. I agree with you 100%.
IrishJedi said:
DouglasMcc, no worries man. I'm not offended at all and your comments are dually noted and respected. And for the record, I'm not "demanding" anything... just expressing the few nits I have in regards to products I have generally enjoyed collecting.

You know what offends me, though? SSC showing something like the Obi-Wan at SDCC and then not even 2 months later allowing something vastly different to be shipped from the factory:


... and this AFTER a delay (for QC purposes, no less) because of the color of the Jedi Robes! What, SSC noticed that the robes were the wrong color but not Obi-Wan's HEAD itself?? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I am right there with you with this line of thinking. I was just assuming that Obi-Wan would be all Aces due to the extreme delay in which SS allowed to make corrections.

I hope were hear an official word from Sideshow on this one. After spending so much money on this line, we better hear something!:emperor

We know they can do it - Jedi Luke was pretty darn fantastic, so why the craptastic paintjobs on Anakin and now Obi-Wan?
IrishJedi said:

The "new" Obi-Wan does look more like a young Captain Nemo.

Still, it seems like I've read all this many times in the past. From Luke to Han, the SS pictures always seem to get people worked up. Then opinions change as each person receives their figure and sees it in their hands.

I can only hope this is the case with Obi-Wan...
Khev said:
I beg your pardon?


I remember these pics. If anakin had turned out like this....daamn that would hvae been awesome.
Khev said:
I beg your pardon?


That looks great and it was indeed much better than the final product, but it's still not as PERFECT as the Obi-Wan featured at SDCC. Both are disappointments due to bad paint jobs, but Obi is just a crushing disappointment IMHO.
I'm glad I got out of the 1/6 line after getting Anakin... Obi-Wan was the one figure I was really looking forward to getting, and it took me forever to finally decide to cancel him. I had a feeling that they would screw up Obi's paint scheme as bad as they screwed up Anakin's. In the end, I made the right choice...Now I really want SS to make an Obi ROTS PF statue...
These are cropped from the Hi-RES pictures and may give a better example of what we can expect...



It may not be the SDCC version, but its not as bad as the smaller versions of the production pictures. There does appear to be a lighter wash on the beard and highlights to the hair. I would think (hope) in normal light, and in proper scale, they will be even more obvious and better blended.