Absolutely! Try turning her head into the wind for a shot (to her right) I think that'll look real good...
Pic for Jedibear:

Pic for me:

Absolutely! Try turning her head into the wind for a shot (to her right) I think that'll look real good...
Great shots Josh...reaally like this close-up...those eyes are great!
But...are those nicks on her collar ?
Glad to see that doily is still gettin' a workout....
Gotta wait til monday for mine....
Great shots with the wind blown look Wor-Gar! My only suggestion (and this may just be the lighting/angle or just me) would be to move her legs closer together. She kinda looks like she is about to squat because nature is calling.Like I said, minor nit, but that wind blown look looks fantastic!
Thanks. I would close the young lady's legs, but her left leg is helping with the whole 'wind' thing.
I think I like this pose best...
But then again, head to the mighty wind...
Great shots WG!!! You're busting them out tonight.
Doesn't look nearly as bad in those pics, so it must have just been the angle and lighting. Like I said earlier, fan-freaking-tastic! Can't wait to see what I can do with her.
Thanks! Yeah, between the alien and Asajj today, its been play-day all day!
Great shots WG!!! You're busting them out tonight.
Actually, do to wardrobe malfunction, Wor-Gar has yet to "bust them out" hehe.
Glowing sabers ROCK!