Still overpriced IMO, but it's $265 at BBTS:
Thx for the link but I was hoping SS would have it at HT price cause I was gonna use my $80 points. I was leaning on EB but there were 2 factors for me to choose this over Ht. One was price and the other was in hand quality. Dont wanna fall for the great proto but bad final product. Hopefully, I can find a loose headsculpt for this on ebay but I highly doubt anyone would part with it at this price.
I am seriously stunned by the price though. They know that they have to compete with HT to survive but they keep digging their own grave. They were also charging $300 for a Luke Skywalker that doesnt even look like Mark Hamill. I seriously prefer the $49 Sideshow. I dont see how they can surivive for another year.
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