I pray that Enterbay fixes the black ink bleeding onto the bodies. There should be no way in hell that this should be happening, such a waste.
I agree. Nothing like checking the body on my Kato figure only to find it riddled with ink stains.
Wow! I don't think it'd be a fitting candidate for a future Enterbay BL release, but it's still a fantastic sculpt.
I am also waiting on a new figure. I only have the original FOF they released. I found out about Enterbay's figures too late. I grabbed the FOF as soon as it came out. Looking at picks and everything, I like the FOF better than the rest because of the materials and paint used. So an updated GOD and ETD would really be nice.
It's just that there is something that I do not like on the ETD versions. I have seen close up pics of the face and they seem to have a rougher surface and too much pink on the cheeks as well as the face being just a bit too long. I don't know, most will disagree with me, but that's just how I see it. It's a great figure, don't get me wrong and I would have probably bought it if I would have seen it before, but I don't regret missing it. I really do want a GOD though. The Nokia version is the best of the 2, but still, the headsculpt looks more like how he looked in ETD than in GOD.