Official Enterbay-Hot Toys Bruce Lee Line General Thread

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Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread



About time I had a kickass Bruce iin my collection. Hopefully this can be it.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Come to think of it, he never uses his suit like that in Game of Death, so why would they go for a rubber body? It would have made more sense for a BD Enter the Dragon like what Hot Toys is doing.

I'm not complaining really, just wanted to point that out. I really hope this body is compatible with the past Bruce heads.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

I'm not complaining really, just wanted to point that out. I really hope this body is compatible with the past Bruce heads.

yep. while i think the body is awesome and could turn out great, the profile of the head seems off
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Your answer:

Oh wow, congrats for guessing correctly and thanks for being smug about comments Theokan and I made 3 weeks ago.

It's a shame though. As good as YJ is, could he do something like this?

(recent pics from Arnie's blog)
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Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Oh wow, congrats for guessing correctly and thanks for being smug about comments Theokan and I made 3 weeks ago.

It's a shame though. As good as YJ is, could he do something like this?

(recent pics from Arnie's blog)

Arnie Kim is a freaking maniac. I think the Christopher Reeve superman would be a winner.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

that body looks amazing omg! head sculpt does look a BIT off tho but still pretty good
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Hot damn! I would buy that even if it's not poseable! Flesh tones look more realistic than any statue I've seen.

But again, these are protos... in-hand figures definitely won't look THAT good.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

I thought Arnie Kim was apart of HT now? Why is he still posting stuff for EnterBay?

EnterBays releasing another Bruce? Who is YJ? Someone help me out...
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

I think YJ wants to show off how 100% spot on his body sculpt looks, but if that's not final (and I'm sure it ain't), then they really shouldn't show too much of it prior to making final changes for the final product or official prototype.

I don't like the way Enterbay handles their teasers.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Hot dang. Hot Toys need to do some major work on that body of theirs if it is going to hold a candle to what is shown in these teasers.

But, uh, yeah, are these pics any indication of what we'll get in hand? Likely not.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Sweet Lord,does that look amazing or what!!!If it's a statue it needs to be in 1/4,a huge dissappointment if it's a 1/6 statue.

HT,take notes on how the body should look like.

I seriously can't wait for this,i think this is the best BL likeness so far.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread


This really reminds me of my Manji in so many ways

YJ really is on top of his profession imo

I will have to get this, I adore the no joint body :thud:

I would love to display him just the way he is here :thud: