Official Enterbay-Hot Toys Bruce Lee Line General Thread

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Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread


But the sculpt is looking kinda odd, at least from the side anyways.

What's up with the gap on the hair? its almost like HT's PERS system.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

So a release later this year then?Looks like to be the long awaited Rubber Body they showed us earlier,i don't see any joints.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread



Is this an actual figure ? a rubber body ? So awesome! :horror:horror:horror
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Is this one of those sculpts Arnie Kim left behind for Enterbay to work on or did YJ Park or someone else make this on their own?
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Look forward to seeing it front on then, for how it compares to Arnie.

Really looks nice so far.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

From what I can see from the side it looks like YJ Park has done a great job

Yeah YJ park is one of the best out there,but when it comes to Bruce Lee,no one can touch Arnie Kim.I really wished we would see a Big Boss and ETD Battle Damaged before he left.
A GOD 1/4 Statue by Arnie would have been nice too.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

My understanding is that the Lee family control the use of Bruce's likeness, not EB. EB are granted that license from the Lees - ie Shannon and/or Linda - but EB as a company has no control over who else produces Bruce's likeness.

Perhaps they are able to hold Kim to not reproducing any of the work he has done with EB to date, but I can't see that they could dictate contractually that Kim never ever sculpt another Bruce likeness for another company.

But like I said, I'm no contractual lawyer, and I'm definitely no EB aficionado either.

Everything that Arnie did/sculpted while employed or contracted under Enterbay would be covered under an invention assignment clause in his employment (or independent contractor) agreement - this basically says that everything he did in relation to EB belongs to EB, and he can't take anything with him if he leaves EB. His contract may also have a non-compete provision of limited duration - not sure if HK law permits such provisions (for example, non-competes are not valid in California), and the issue is complicated by the fact that Arnie is (presumably) in S. Korea. Arnie may be subjected to a non-compete that covers only BL sculpts (since he seems to already be sculpting non-BL stuff for HT, a EB competitor), but again it would not be indefinite. And of course the parties may have agreed to a gentlemens agreement for Arnie to lay off BL for the the time being. Who knows, but I don't see Arnie staying away from BL too long. Probably too much info, but I seldom get to bring my professional life into my 1/6 hobby life....
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Where did you read this? All those photos on his blog of recent WIP sculpts Arnie did (Since June/July 2010) for all intents and purposes looked like they were for Enterbay, especially the ones where you could clearly see the torso of a bust. In some of them he remarked that they were almost done. He announced his departure on 8/31. It's more than likely that he had finished them for Enterbay prior to his leaving.

I'm pretty sure all the WIP are finished before he left. They may have kept the news of Arnies' departure from us until last minute, but it's not like Enterbay had no idea Arnie is leaving all along, they just don't want the news to go public until it is time. Which means Enterbay and Arnie must have planned those last few projects together before they go their separate ways.

Your answer:

YJ Bruce Lee
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Yeah YJ park is one of the best out there,but when it comes to Bruce Lee,no one can touch Arnie Kim.I really wished we would see a Big Boss and ETD Battle Damaged before he left.
A GOD 1/4 Statue by Arnie would have been nice too.


I guess arnie spend a lot more time in studying bruce's features than yj who prolly just spent a few months at it.

No worries, rock83. I think its just a matter of time before Arnie releases those under HT.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Is that an official announcement pic? That looks like a real body. So are the hedasculpt and body from YJ or just the body? When can e expect more? When will it be released? So many questions!!! But ya'll have to agree it is looking better than the Hot Toys one, and that's just a side pic.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread


I guess arnie spend a lot more time in studying bruce's features than yj who prolly just spent a few months at it.

No worries, rock83. I think its just a matter of time before Arnie releases those under HT.

Arnie Kim and YJ Park worked together on the statue,not sure about the figures so i am pretty sure YJ knows what to do.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

That fig looks awesome ..but a full rubber body!? ..i will stick with the dx04 i think.
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

Flame me but I think YJ is a better sculptor, I really think this will come out better than Kim's and that is now making me tempted to get this :(
Re: Official Enterbay Bruce Lee Line Thread

nikoniko has made some observations I'd tend to agree with. Arnie may not be able to produce his favoured sculpt, and that's why Yulli and YJ are now employed to complete their Bruce Lee figures, for their respective companies. For the time being, it's a crying shame. In time, Arnie may again be allowed to engage his talents and reiterate himself as the master of the definitive Bruce Lee sculpt.

It's kind of comical, the rivalry between Hot Toys and Enterbay. That Hot Toys has to consistently strive to dominate such a fledgling company.