I was one who originally liked EB's sculpt even the latest revised looking one but now with this new one from HT, for me, there's no contest, HT wins. I see much more Depp in both sculpts from HT than the one by EB. But to each his own, right?

You think the normal HT face is worse than EB? This comparison with the real Depp says otherwise.
cant all see the same thing. we're not communists.I was one who originally liked EB's sculpt even the latest revised looking one but now with this new one from HT, for me, there's no contest, HT wins. I see much more Depp in both sculpts from HT than the one by EB. But to each his own, right?:
doesnt matter if eb's final sculpt turned out to be lousy. point is, a better sculpt exists(eb's proto) that best ht's ones.
again, there's something about that smirk and that eyes that dont gel well on ht's sculpt. i cant tell if the it's the eyes that are off, or the smirk, but the expression is, imo, so obviously not jack's. it's someone else's smirk.
even the serious face i have issue with from the beginning. it's like they're trying to make jack cool by making him look serious. but jack as character is cool precisely because inside jack's head is a carnival. he's a clown, a roller coaster, a fun house, etc all rolled into one. a moody contemplating serious expression is unbecoming for jack.
cant all see the same thing. we're not communists.:
agreed. everyone's brain, and hence, visual perception is wired differently. but as always, i trust my eyes, even over an overwhelming majority. hehe...^^ As everyone visual perception and brains are different.. People's opinion differs. I would think the majority of consensus prefers HT's.
Personally, I never saw Depp in any of EB's variant HSs
what happened to this board today? shouldnt everyone jump on my throat for not joining the hallelujah chorus? this kind of calm sensible conversation feels weirdly uncharacteristic of this place.
While I am surprised that some still prefer EB's sculpt, we all have our own eyes and our own way of seeing the character. I would say that's why it's good that there are multiples of the same character being produced, ppl can choose which one they feel fits the character best for how they see the character. Yes there's a majority, myself included who really love this new sculpt from HT, but why should it matter if someone else sees something different? At the end of the day, you are the one displaying this in your home/office for of your own reasons and your own enjoyment. What does it matter of someone on this board who you probably never met agrees with you?
what happened to this board today? shouldnt everyone jump on my throat for not joining the hallelujah chorus? this kind of calm sensible conversation feels weirdly uncharacteristic of this place.