Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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well... I've downloaded the demo and first off the graphics are amazing !.
Holy crap its like being in control of a film !.

The controls I'm not a fan of. I know they take a getting used to but if its possible I'm likely to change them around. I always seem to with games anyway.

Everytime someone comes around and goes on one of my games they can never play with the controls !. :lol

This wasn't a game I was really looking forwad to and I'm still anticipating resident evil 5 more but I am looking forward to this now !.

Its awesome !.
well... I've downloaded the demo and first off the graphics are amazing !.
Holy crap its like being in control of a film !.

The controls I'm not a fan of. I know they take a getting used to but if its possible I'm likely to change them around. I always seem to with games anyway.

Everytime someone comes around and goes on one of my games they can never play with the controls !. :lol

This wasn't a game I was really looking forwad to and I'm still anticipating resident evil 5 more but I am looking forward to this now !.

Its awesome !.

you can change the controls on the demo, just go to the options menu.
well... I've downloaded the demo and first off the graphics are amazing !.
Holy crap its like being in control of a film !.

The controls I'm not a fan of. I know they take a getting used to but if its possible I'm likely to change them around. I always seem to with games anyway.

Everytime someone comes around and goes on one of my games they can never play with the controls !. :lol

This wasn't a game I was really looking forwad to and I'm still anticipating resident evil 5 more but I am looking forward to this now !.

Its awesome !.

I know man !! it felt like I was in a big budget action movie.

The motion effect is so great.
Cool...let me download mine....

And thanks for the controller info...I might get that too.

After playing this demo I got to say I am completly blown away!!!!

WOW !!! the graphics and gameplay are so awsome.

love the cover system.

The controls are alost like COD4 so I hope we can change them to match it.

I play first person shooters on my ps3 with the frag fx controler

and the only thing I dint like was that the frag fx was not controling the game the same way as COD4 does.

no big deal because this game is just super awsome and I cant wait to play the full version.

this will be one of the best games of 2009 for sure.
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review from gametrailers.
I got to play the demo for a bit last night and I thought it was great, it only took me a minute to get used to the controls and the graphics are awesome. Can't wait to get the full version and stomp some Hellghast ASS!! :rock
I got to play the demo for a bit last night and I thought it was great, it only took me a minute to get used to the controls and the graphics are awesome. Can't wait to get the full version and stomp some Hellghast ASS!! :rock

I need to check this out tonight if I get a chance.
well... I've downloaded the demo and first off the graphics are amazing !.
Holy crap its like being in control of a film !.

The controls I'm not a fan of. I know they take a getting used to but if its possible I'm likely to change them around. I always seem to with games anyway.

Everytime someone comes around and goes on one of my games they can never play with the controls !. :lol

This wasn't a game I was really looking forwad to and I'm still anticipating resident evil 5 more but I am looking forward to this now !.

Its awesome !.

Tay, what's your ID?. It's not on the list
Tay, what's your ID?. It's not on the list

I haven't got a clue... :lol
I've not even been on the ps3 for games. In fact I've got no games yet. :monkey4:rotfl

I bought it mainly for blu ray.

Is the ID the name thing you have to enter.. :monkey3:lol:lol
I haven't got a clue about playstation online.
no problem man just power up the system, log in with your user, scroll to the right (main system screen) go to the PSN store and it should ask you to create a PSN name. its been so long i'm trying to remember how to do it. its free so don't worry about entering credit card numbers or anything, they only ask for that if you try to buy stuff.
does anyone know where i can get a multiplayer Beta key??? the demo is just not enough for me. i've played through it 20 times now and its just too darn short. they should've included an entire level.
Anyone know when the US folks can download the demo version? The official release wait is killing me....
After playing this demo I got to say I am completly blown away!!!!

WOW !!! the graphics and gameplay are so awsome.

love the cover system.

The controls are alost like COD4 so I hope we can change them to match it.

I play first person shooters on my ps3 with the frag fx controler

and the only thing I dint like was that the frag fx was not controling the game the same way as COD4 does.

no big deal because this game is just super awsome and I cant wait to play the full version.

this will be one of the best games of 2009 for sure.

Can you use that controller for all PS3 FPS games ? I tried using USB Mouse and Keyboard for COD5 but that didnt work at all...
i wish i knew someone with a Frag FX controller so i could give it a test drive. i hate spending that much on a controller when i'm not 100% sure i'd use/ like it.