Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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I was going to hold off on getting this but I think im going to have to pick it up tomorrow.
My online was bad today. everybody was Glitching so I could not get a shot in. Also I shot a guy right in back at close range with a shotgun got blood spray but no kill. WTH. Now I can't even get a connection. Man, it sucks having a UK connection
wow !! its almost 6am and I have being playing killzone 2 for over 4 hrs online.
this game is so addicting.

ohh man !! was just owning tonite ranked 5 times today.
being the medic is real fun.

my last round was 22 - 7 and I was pretty much top 3 all nite.
the frag fx controler just makes playing FPS games on consoles such a fun experience.

I cant wait to get frag fx v2 so I can kick even more ass.

guys !! have we talked about a clan ?
nite all!!
My online was bad today. everybody was Glitching so I could not get a shot in. Also I shot a guy right in back at close range with a shotgun got blood spray but no kill. WTH. Now I can't even get a connection. Man, it sucks having a UK connection

there's already exploits in this game? lame
wow !! its almost 6am and I have being playing killzone 2 for over 4 hrs online.
this game is so addicting.

ohh man !! was just owning tonite ranked 5 times today.
being the medic is real fun.

my last round was 22 - 7 and I was pretty much top 3 all nite.
the frag fx controler just makes playing FPS games on consoles such a fun experience.

I cant wait to get frag fx v2 so I can kick even more ass.

guys !! have we talked about a clan ?
nite all!!
I started a clan but I have had no takers :(
I am willing to join yours Ray, even though I suck.
Also I noticed how much you improved. You killed me three times. Now get some sleep and give the rest of us a chance :lol
Gamefly shipped this to me today. I played the demo like 5 times yesterday, I love the shooting mechanics of this game and I'm glad that it feels more like a tactical shooter than a super fast paced one like Halo. At first I thought the controls were a little wonky, but once I got use to them they were fine. Can't wait to play the full game soon.
I was in the beta which was awesome, but being mostly a multiplayer online type guy the demo of campaign was quite engaging. I forgot just beautiful his game is.

It truly feels next gen to me. Everything that looks like it can explode does, nothing is there just for the sake of looks, every gas can, barrel, gas tank has a function. And if you blow these up not only are the effects top notch, but they effect bodies, and any other thing lying by it.

The blood of course is awesome, the enemies are intelligent finally, they flank, hide, duck, and do things humans would do. I was amazed at shooting an enemy from a hundred yards away the blood splatters could still be seen on the wall behind him when he fell. Matters react as they would in real life as bullets effect stone much different than they effect say metal.

I love how real, grounded, and gritty this game feels and plays. Another gem to add to the crown of the PS3 library for sure. This will sell consoles.
I don't see the love for the Frag FX controller. Part of the fun of playing on a console is the challenge of playing with a controller. The Frag FX reminds of the Nintendo days of Duck Hunt. You'd have some people that would sit back from the tv and aim the gun and others that would stick the gun directly on the tv screen because they couldn't aim unless it was touching where they wanted to shoot. Keep the mouse for the PC.
I left the console and game at my friend's house because I wanted him to enjoy the game. He's a hard-core PC and 360 gamers...pretty much buy every shooting game. His verdict on Killzone 2 - 'very very nice'. Both of us agreed that the detail of the game is AMAZING. The surrounding and environment graphics are just beautiful. My favorite weapon is the sniper and shotgun. I really need the fragFX controller in order to breeze through these campaign levels.

For some reason, his 52 inch LCD is displaying 720P when playing the game. Anyone else in here playing with 1080i? When we are in the PS3 main menu, his LCD says 1080P, but when it loads up the game, it automatically changes to 720P. The PS3 setting is all on 1080P we're not sure how to fix it.

Overall, I like Killzone2 more than Gears of War for a comparison. But, I still enjoy Rainbow Vegas 6 game play style. This game is the BEST FPS graphic in existence as of today.
back of the box says 1080i.
Arent all PS3 games 1080i at this point?

Im sure mines running in at least 1080i. The picture quality for me is beautiful.
playing on a 58" Samsung Plasma
back of the box says 1080i.
Arent all PS3 games 1080i at this point?

Im sure mines running in at least 1080i. The picture quality for me is beautiful.
playing on a 58" Samsung Plasma
i don't think it "native" 1080, but upscales it to 1080i which is of course, still 720 right?? not sure but i read somewhere on ign's sight that their reaction to the demo is that "it is still nice even though it's an upscaled 1080" if i recall correctly.
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Some pretty wicked badge abilities. which one do you start off with?