Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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I will be on. Ill if Im not I am probably watching that damn Tara show. Just give me a call and I'll get on. :rock
:D .. what do I need to do?
send friend requests? Im an online FPS noob. Is it impossible to search around and find freaks if theyre not on your friends list?

Im going to try to play online some late tonite. but depends on my day here at work ...
:D .. what do I need to do?
send friend requests? Im an online FPS noob. Is it impossible to search around and find freaks if theyre not on your friends list?

Im going to try to play online some late tonite. but depends on my day here at work ...
I'll shoot you a friend request.

All you have to do is:
Go to Play > Join > Press R1 for Friends > Join a game....then enter password: Sideshow
I'll be on later tonight, Suns game at 7pm EST. so probably around 7pm PST i'll be on.
10pm EST?
prob about the same time I'll be able to log on the way my day is going....
I will be on. Ill if Im not I am probably watching that damn Tara show. Just give me a call and I'll get on. :rock

are you on the account list?? i'm going through now trying to see who i haven't sent a request to.

~~just went through and collected the last of the Intel and destroyed the remaining of the symbols!!!!
Got mine too, have yet to try it though.

That was Wofford29, we had a great time!

Once again, my bad Karma.

Definitely a lot more enjoyable when playing with people you know. They really need a party system or something so that we can all be on the same team. Great time though. I'll see you guys tonight.
Lost connection during that last match and I missed out on a couple of ribbons because of it.:banghead

All in all good gaming with you guys tonight and I hope to do it again sometime.
yeah. I had a good time even tho I was pretty much target practice....
... I'll get you ^^^^^es .... :monkey1
lol you bastards it was 3 vs me at the end. everyone bailed on me. was fun though....too bad more people didnt show up.

man mfoga what a gay :lol get some skills :p

PS: i gotta get a mic now
Lost connection during that last match and I missed out on a couple of ribbons because of it.:banghead

All in all good gaming with you guys tonight and I hope to do it again sometime.
I thought that was the case, I got disconnected a few times at the beginning, I thought it was 'cause of my router but it was the network.

yeah. I had a good time even tho I was pretty much target practice....
... I'll get you ^^^^^es .... :monkey1
:D I thought I could see your voice indicator going off, but I didn't hear your voice. Good playing with you finally.

lol you bastards it was 3 vs me at the end. everyone bailed on me. was fun though....too bad more people didnt show up.

man mfoga what a gay :lol get some skills :p

PS: i gotta get a mic now
:lol We were laughing about that, but the match was almost over so we stuck with it.

We'll get more people next time, we still have Karma, Bagels, Badmoon, Knightslade, Dinolast and a few others to get a good size room going.

Yeah, a game is 'gay' when Mark sucks ass at it! :lol
We'll get more people next time, we still have Karma, Bagels, Badmoon, Knightslade, Dinolast and a few others to get a good size room going.

Yeah, a game is 'gay' when Mark sucks ass at it! :lol

Yeah I noticed the match was almost over and I had a decent score which got me my Tactitian badge so I stayed with it and just tried to blow you f'ers up with my rocket launcher lol. Wofford is funny as hell when he comments. he had me rolling a couple times.
I hate PS3 controllers they are so unergonomic. I cant play very long with my thumbs in the crazy Japanese thumb torture position required to use the controller. I now remember the other reason I never by PS3 games. The campaign seems kinda cool, the graphics are nice, not really liking the controller map options as they are just not what I am use to. I does seem like the the whole use of the motion control to turn wheels and stuff is just kinda using a feature of the controller for the sake of using it.
I had no clue what the hell was going on the whole time during multiplayer. No idea what team was what. Not to mention the stupid ass buzz in my ear only a PS3 could make a $100 bluetooth headset suck.