Official NECA Terminator Thread

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My favorite version of Ahnuld done in this line: Cyberdyne Showdown....really good amt of accessories- paint app off with the head, but the most complete version, IMO
In terms of display presence, I'd rank the T-800s:

1- Cyberdyne
2- BD with full BD head
3- Steel Mill
4- Pescadero
5- Man or Machine

As far as my personal favorites, I'd rank them:

1- Full BD
2- Pescadero
3- Cyberdyne
4- Steel Mill
5- Man or Machine
As far as my personal favorites, I'd rank them:

1- Full BD
2- Pescadero
3- Cyberdyne
4- Steel Mill
5- Man or Machine

I love the 12" Pescadero, but the 7" is my least fav, just cause the glases (on mine) look terrible in that scale...the new one with glasses in wave 3 looks pretty good....just the grey shirt.

I actually love the Man or Machine one quite a bit, so its fun to see everyone's list(s)
The thing for me with me Man or Machine and same with the HT arm, is that a lot of the coolness of that look for me comes from teh playing out of the scene, the cutting, the ripping, the flexing, it's a great gag as it plays out, but frozen into one moment, and on display, it doesn't quite have the same impact for me as other costumes and configurations. I can get some cool photos out of that look, but I can do things with photos that a figure just standing on a shelf doesn't have going for it.

I agree the glasses on Pescadero 7 inch are kind of weak, but for me personally, the all black gear T-800 is THE classic look of Terminator 2 and is my ideal sum of him out of that movie, I love my HT figure dressed that way. It only loses rank to full BD because I really like the design of the battle damage of the T2 T-800, it's just so visually interesting to me that I get more from looking at that than just Arnie in an all black biker costume.
The thing for me with me Man or Machine and same with the HT arm, is that a lot of the coolness of that look for me comes from teh playing out of the scene, the cutting, the ripping, the flexing, it's a great gag as it plays out, but frozen into one moment, and on display, it doesn't quite have the same impact for me as other costumes and configurations. I can get some cool photos out of that look, but I can do things with photos that a figure just standing on a shelf doesn't have going for it.

I agree the glasses on Pescadero 7 inch are kind of weak, but for me personally, the all black gear T-800 is THE classic look of Terminator 2 and is my ideal sum of him out of that movie, I love my HT figure dressed that way. It only loses rank to full BD because I really like the design of the battle damage of the T2 T-800, it's just so visually interesting to me that I get more from looking at that than just Arnie in an all black biker costume.

My thoughts exactly. The arm cutting scene still gives me the creeps. But its great because that is the look they were going for I think. And I still can't figure out why they gave him a pistol instead of a knife. Heck, even HT left out a knife for theirs :duh

And I too agree the all black Terminator is the iconic Terminator look. Whenever you see a Terminator parody its the full black look from T2, not even T1. Its that iconic. In fact more people are probably familiar with T2 than T1. I know I am. I've seen T1 of course, but I can't remember how many times I watched T2 growing up. I mean I would have killed for these NECA figures back then. HT would have been above a kid's allowance of course, but I would have been in awe of them (well, I still am :lol ).
I think part of the iconography is because of the association of black and evil, plus Darth Vader. Even though he's a good guy, he is in essence a turned villain, there's still something about his look conveying evil and badassery the seems fitting. In the all black with the sunglasses on, he looks like he means business. he's still intimidating after the shirt switch and loss of shades, but the full look he picks up from the bar just looks awesome.
Ok, didn't think I'd get the 12" FB T-800 but for $25, I decided what the hell, this way I'm covered for that look in my 12" lineup and if HT comes around with one, I'm not going to sweat the expense. I also scored the wave 3 figures today, nice T2 day for me. I will have pictures after, just got home with them.
Cool, looking forward to that. My case from BBTS shipped this week, should have my first T-1000s next week. They're still not available individually on BBTS yet the T-800s from the wave are, I guess T-1000 really was shortpacked.
I'm glad I could find them locally, buying a whole case or trying eBay wasn't a very good financial route, especially with the case, I don't want the T2:3D figure so it'd be wasted money.
The BBTS newsletter came in:

"T2 SERIES 3 - SET, SINGLESNECA's third series of Terminator 2 figures has arrived. This assortmentincludes two versions of the T-800 (Battle Across Time and Steel Mill) aswell as two versions of the T-1000 (Galleria and Pescadero BattleDamaged). You can pick up the set of four figures for $59.99, saving you$8 off the MSRP, or you can grab singles of the two different T-800figures, priced at $14.99 each."

So they mention that only the T-800s are available singularly but feel no need to explain why the T-1000s can't be bought on their own.
Well, I got mine today. I bought one of each figure. I would have picked up more T-1000s but my Toys R Us only had one of each.

Very impressed and disappointed at the same time. Everything was fine until I saved the best for last.


The regular T-1000, my most anticipated figure was broken in the package. As soon as I took it out the arm popped out at the shoulder. I looked in side the joint and the pegs snapped I guess. I plan on getting more so for the time being I just put the regular hand and arms on the Pescadero body.


I was kind of pissed but it's not like I can't get my money back. So other than that I'm impressed with these 4 figures. Here's how they add up.

Galleria T-1000

Easily the best figure of the wave. If the arm didn't break I would be showing much more enthusiasm here. The paint apps are great and the sculpt is fantastic. The figure represents the character perfectly. The parts swap out smoothly and like they're supposed to. It took me a few seconds to pop out the forearms and swap them.

I have some nitpicks though. The left hand that grips the pistol is COMPLETELY useless. I don't know if its because the ball joint is too small or what but it is really, really loose. It just wobbles there. None of the other hands do that from what I tried.

The holster for the gun also feels like its going to come off the belt at any second.

Pescadero T-1000

The headsculpts are great, the damage to the torso is fantastic and those hook arms are very nice. I love the look of it and I think the regular head on that body looks better than the regular version.

NECA completely botched the nice headsculpts though. The split head, something I was really anticipating does NOT fit on the ball joint properly. It just sits there and that gap is exposed. Kind of like the initial pics on ebay. You can't press it down all the way.

One small nitpick is the "healing" reforming split head. I love the paint applications (especially those eyes) and the sculpt but that seam is really distracting. You can tell they just glued two parts together and called it a head.

Steel Mill T-800

I was really surprised with this one. Surprised that I like it. The one I picked has the perfect paint. At first I thought I'd be bothered by the right arm not extending all the way up like the Mcfarlane figure but once you get the pistol and grenade launcher in his hands with his head turned it looks good.

Absolutely no complaints. They weathered the jacket and pants even more which is a nice touch.

Battle Across Time T-800

Meh. This one feels cheap, like its a Mattel figure or something. It's a neat idea and I like the fact that the T-800 finally got his "phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range" but it just feels cheap too me. The headsculpt is worse than the original Pescadero thanks to the crappy paint apps on the face and the joints just feel loose and rubbery.

Too many releases perhaps?

I don't know. It may seem like I don't like these but that's not the truth at all. The broken arm on the T-1000 was a bummer but other than that these are really good. I'm definitely going to go nuts on the T-1000 for all the different variations so the fun isn't over yet.

Great line. I think it will do well and if NECA continues I REALLY hope they make a Biker T-1000, a Steel Mill T-1000 (retooled from the Biker and Regular Galleria) and a frozen Biker T-1000 (also retooled).

Then Punk 1984 T-800 and Police Shoot Out T-800, then I'll be set. John Connor (kid and general), Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese would be nice additions.

I thought I'd follow up with the different T-1000 variations that I've acquired since this post. I'm pretty much finished other than a regular Galleria with hook arms and of course the liquid metal cop.

Here are some pics. I just shot them really quick. I'll take better pics when I have time this week. I'm really going to have fun with all these T-800 vs T-1000 scenes/moments.




And so far I've only had two quality control duds, here they are. Be careful, I didn't even break these they were in the package like this.

Not even glued.




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I didn't have any breakages on the T-800s of series 1 & 2, in-package or otherwise. And as everyone knows I bought quite a lot of them. The quality issues there were just some messy paintjobs and warped accessories. So what you have here already marks a downturn in QC as far as I'm concerned...unless you're just unlucky.

So far I've got 3 Gallerias, 3 Pescaderos and 2 liquid metals on order. I had a list of all the 'versions' I wanted to create which would have involved more purchase than I've made at the moment but I think I'll reconsider and maybe cut down a bit. I'm spending a small fortune on the HT figures.
I didn't have any breakages on the T-800s of series 1 & 2, in-package or otherwise. And as everyone knows I bought quite a lot of them. The quality issues there were just some messy paintjobs and warped accessories. So what you have here already marks a downturn in QC as far as I'm concerned...unless you're just unlucky.

Yeah the only QC issue I had with Series 1 and 2 was that Cyberdyne Showdown T-800 (the left hand) and one Endo (broken neck). Other than those two and the T-1000 I've had zero problems. I don't think the problems I had are common so I wouldn't worry. The other ones are fine. Those first two though, man were they disappointing.

Luckily those T-1000s in the group shot are excellent save for some crappy paint applications.
I´ll definatly pass on the NECA T-1000 Variants and further T-800s too, since I´m goin´with HT from now on.
I´ll even sell my McF T-1000 and T-800 Endo, cause HT´ll make a new Endo as well and so, with 2 HT T-800s, 3 NECA T-800s (one McF T-800 with the Steel Mill damage Bonus Head from NECA), one HT T-800 Endo and one HT T-1000 and I have every look I want.
Has anyone found figure stands that work good for the Neca T2 figures? These things keep falling over.
difabio why do you buy so many of the same figures? do you really need that many T1000's?