Official NECA Terminator Thread

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The NON-HUMAN characters from NECA are often near on perfection, but the skin-color of the HUMAN-CHARACTERS are always mediocre, this is NECAS biggest weakness.

Anyway scuplt is very good, T1000 is instantly recognizable and this is the most important point, but as i said NECA should working on the skin-colour.
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Damn I wish I could go to the con to pick it up. Probably going to have to resort to ebay.
Just pray it goes through, but with an edition size of 1,000 I wouldn't count on it. Unless NECA sets up something for interntional dealers, they still got to get their stock like everyone else at the con.

Just when I thought I was done worring about SDCC T-1000s :lol
I ordered mine at :confused:

I saw that. That's not a really good option for me because I don't live in the UK or Europe. For you though that's great because you're in Ireland. It's going to be hard but I want to try to get two for the regular 20 dollar price each.

I really don't want to preorder, especially those ones that keep popping up on ebay.
To be honest if it doesn't go through I think I can live with that. Its just a Galleria figure painted (hopefully) chrome. Its nice and I'd like to have it for the T2 completist in me but it wouldn't be the same outrage I would have felt had I not been able to get the Hot Toys T-Sarah.

If I can't get it I may attempt a chrome spraypaint job on a spare Galleria T-1000...although that sort of thing has not been successful for me in the past.
Got my first set of series 3 today. Just to add my thoughts as you other guys have done now that I finally have the figures in hand. Some pleasant surprise and some not so pleasant surprise.

First the bad - messy paintjobs and on the one that I really didn't want bad paint, the Galleria. Secondly one of the hook arms on my Pescadero is threatening to break off at the elbow and thirdly I don't like the way the healing head is not all-one piece. The left side is seperate and glued on which looks a bit crap.

My Galleria T-1000 has dodgy hairline paintwork, an out of place glossy patch in the hair, a spot of paint above his eyebrow, a dot of scratched off paint beside the eyebrow, his eyeliner paint encroaches into the white of his left eye and theres a whitish paint in his nostril like hes been snorting coke. Just not happy with that on my very first T-1000. I hope the ones I get later will be better. The steel mill T-800 has problems in the paint department too...well its not that bad really but theres a line of extra thick skin paint on his cheek which makes it look like hes got a scar there - only really noticeable if the light catches it and it casts a shadow. Also the eyes look even more cartoony that series 1 and 2. This pains me because the eyes are excellent on the Arnie Conan figure I have from NECA. I'd rather that situation be reversed. Well at least they are looking off to the side as was intended and he hasn't got one eye looking one way and the other eye looking another way. My Steel mill also has the oddity of his upper left thigh and crotch being glossy while the rest of his legs are weathered.

At a distance they're fine but close up things get ugly.

But onto the good - the sculpts are great, we knew they were. I've already said what I think is off on the Galleria T-1000 head so I won't go on about it again but it definitely captures the essence of the T-1000. The general shape, the ears, the hair, the clenched jaw look and the intense 'target sighted' face are present and correct. I also really love the body sculpt. Its a dead-on capture not just of T-1000s build but also his walk. And as you'd expect the clothing is all very detailed and realistic looking. Another plus is the articulation. No more or less than you need for this character IMO, and hidden as well as could be expected.

The Pescadero T-1000 is the same figure but with those bullet hits seamlessly applied on. I thought they were part of the torso sculpt but it seems NECA were able to just recycle here too - I'm not complaining, it works. Though they did miss the fact that there should be corresponding exit wounds on his back. Not a disaster.
The split head is really cool and the paint is decent on mine. It can fit the balljoint properly you just have to force it down. Its great to add this unique battledamage look to the collection, one hopes there'll be more to finish them all out.

The steel mill figure is great for those who were not bothered customising this version out of the previous figures. I did but I bought this one anyway and I don't regret it (well it was part of the case from BBTS). For once the grenade launcher wasn't warped out of shape and the pistol is nice. I've transferred his sideways-looking head to the McFarlane MM4 as was always my intention as that figure better represents that pose.

The nice surprise for me believe it or not is the T2 Battle across time figure. I managed to get a decent paintjob on him, I think the skin paint is on thicker which mutes some of the lines on Arnie's face which I think were overemphasised a bit on the other T-800s. Although it does make him look more like T1 Arnie somehow. His face looks meaner. Anyway this figure is the least necessary of series 3 but he does look really cool with the plasma rifle and shotgun. And here again, for once I got a plasma rifle that isn't warped in some way. Everythings perfectly straight and badass about this gun. I wouldn't call him an essential purchase but if you have the cash to spare just get him.

I'll see about posting pics later.
Nice you got them. Great review.

I agree with everything you said. The sloppy paint applications, the healing split head and just about everything else. I just realized after reading your post that my Battle Across time T-800 has the perfect Plasma Rifle. All the ones from my previous Exoskeletons were warped beyond repair.

And yeah with a little bit of work you can get the split head down on the ball joint. Though my first one would NOT go on because the neck and hole were warped. The second one went down fine with a little work.
I just realized after reading your post that my Battle Across time T-800 has the perfect Plasma Rifle. All the ones from my previous Exoskeletons were warped beyond repair.

Yeah exactly, me too. The main gun barrell of at least one of my plasma rifles that came with the endoskeletons is bent downwards and to the side like it has peyronies disease! And the other one was missing the lower barrell, whatever that is. Bent accessories was a big problem with series 1 and 2. Too early for me to say if the same is true of series 3.

As for the paintjobs, I suppose we should be used to them being this way. I know I got used to the particular paint oddities of all my T-800s while fixing what I could. I may have to relearn how to get used to bad paint for series 3 but certainly I hope for better than what I have on my next few T-1000s.
One thing that I was impressed with in paint was the wera and tear on the Steel Mill T-800, it actually hurts the Final Battle figure as clean as that one looks in comparison, too bad.
Mine's all even. I'm glad the semi BD head came with the Final Battle, I don't like the Steel mill head much, posed eyes and the blood is very heavy, it's better suited for a SWAT figure.
I like those eyes it gives the figure so much character. It would be perfect if they didn't look so cartoony.

The amount of battle damage and blood doesn't bother me the fact that the blood is a matte pink throughout the body does. It isn't as nice as the layered Final Battle paint job with the darker red blood. The skin tones on wave 3 are also not as good as the previous waves. I can't describe it, it's like they're plain and fake looking or something. The Man or Machine and Battle Across time are the best examples of this.
Well that's NECA paint variability for you, because my FB and Steel Mill are essentially the same as far as the blood apps.

I don't mind the posed eyes, except they're not in the direction I want, but I've got the other semi-BD head so I'm good.
I'd happily touch up your Galleria T-1000 A-dev. Couldn't do the eyes but I could get rid of some of the other stuff, i'd like to think. I did it on all my T-800's!
I would take you up on that but I worry about sending small items in the post, the kind of thing that could get lost easily. And they'd be travelling both ways, an extra opportunity for them to disappear. Its one thing sending a few accessories but risking my T-1000s losing their heads. That'd be very unbecoming of Robert Patrick in T2...well least until he starts being dissolved in a vat of molten steel.

My problem with touch up painting is getting a skin colour or not finding a small enough brush and creating new mess.

How do you do yours?
Padded envelope should be sound. Not worth losing them though as you say. Hard to explain really. I'll PM you!
I thought NECA were gonna announce T1 at SDCC but now Randy is hinting at something to do with T2's 20th anniversary.

Announcements pertaining to both would be fantastic - much as I want T1 I'd like them to finish out T2 because if they don't theres a big chance they wouldn't go back to it in the future.

So lets speculate on what T2 20th anniversary goodies we might see.

Perhaps they'd use the anniversary as a one-off excuse to make figures they otherwise wouldn't - Sarah Connor and young John Connor! Remaining versions of the T-1000s seem like a no brainer and with it being an anniversary I presume we'd see the T-800 again - but what? More recycling or perhaps some kind of boxset?