I've long been bothered by the sloppy paint work on NECA's 12" Final Battle T-800, and while yes, it's a NECA figure, and rather cheap, I don't think the paint work lived up to even NECA's better work, particularly the blood work, too toyish and they slopped so much blood onto the Endoskull obscuring the metal and ruining the look of the overall portrait. I may touch up some blood work around it, but for now at least, I finally have the Endo popping more having finally bit down and bought a Krylon silver leafing pen to do the Endo bits, what a great item, wish I'd gotten it sooner, but it was the final step to finally showing off my work here, I redid the skin and blood work some time ago, using the great Enterbay portrait for reference and adding detail not there in the original paint job while also cleaning up a lot of it.
And some just for fun.