Official NECA Terminator Thread

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I thought NECA/Randy said no Genysis? :lol

Man, I hope they didn't mean Pops and Asian T-1000 for the Ultimate versions on twitter.
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Genisys looks bad, but I'm still tempted by a new Arnold. Makes me hope that Randy is softening on doing a T3 figure or two down the line.

*sigh* I miss Terminator figures.
The left arm on the figure on the right looks sleeveless . . .

Id say those 2 are Ultimate T2 & Commando (Yes!!!) , the Genisys figures must be lower. Im surprised there making genisys figures though as Randy says he likes to make Action stars in there prime which is why he passed on Expendables
Id say those 2 are Ultimate T2 & Commando (Yes!!!) , the Genisys figures must be lower. Im surprised there making genisys figures though as Randy says he likes to make Action stars in there prime which is why he passed on Expendables

Good call on the sleeveless part, looks like his rocket launcher from Commando on the ground too

Also possibly the Terminator arm in glass next to the Deluxe Terminator.
Not really too interested in the Terminator:Genisys figures if all they do is make the "Present day" characters. I swear, if they make a T:G Sarah before making a proper T2 "commando" Sarah I'm gonna be pretty puzzled. I might buy some T:G future Tech-Com resistance soldiers if they make 'em though...

Also, does anyone know in the movie when the "present day" is actually supposed to be? Is it still in 1984? Our present day of 2015? Cuz, nu-Sarah looks about the same age as Sarah-Prime was in 1984, so unless they screwed around with the timeline royally and Sarah was now born in the late 80's or early 90's I dunno how that's gonna work out...
I may be all over the place as to when it's set. But 1984 definitely features and it would seem the T-800 accessed his detailed files on retrospective attitudes towards 80's fashion to advise Sarah against the big hair she originally had.
Hope that is an Ultimate T-800. It's pretty much confirmed to be released, but I hope it's on display at Toy Fair.
Also, I wonder what style of design the T:G figures are going to follow. Will they be the same as the previous T1 and T2 figures? (IE: a very slightly larger scale and less articulation). Or will they be more similar to the more recent Dutch and Colonial Marine figures with a slightly smaller size and more articulation?
Commando? Awesome! I absolutely love that movie. Ultimate T2 T-800 sounds excellent also. If NECA is doing an Genesys (or however you spell it) I will definitely skip those figures. The Terminator movies ended with T2 & James Cameron, in my opinion.
I wonder if NECA will make a Bennett to kick Matrix's butt around? In my dreams.

So Cyberdyne look with super articulation, mini gun, full damaged head and sunglasses head?

Other than the legs, I already have that.
Pretty Cool. What's up with the Genisys sign though? I'd buy a few figures of old Arnie.
Figured it was a minigun T-800, it had that silhouette from the distance.

Superarticulated legs! So you can put him in the same pose the original figure had anyway! :yess:

It's really the T1 T-800 that needs this.