I wonder what the Ultimate T-800 will come with. The Freddy came with 3 heads, an extra hand, face mask and phone.
I imagine he will come with:
Standard head (maybe with sun glasses?)
Slightly battle-damaged head
Full battle-damaged head
Grenade launcher (Damaged or undamaged stock?)
Maybe the minigun and ammo bag
Maybe an extra torn-off interchangeable arm
The only downside is that depending on what stage of the movie and damage they choose for the rest of the body, the heads will look inaccurate on that body. I doubt they will include an: undamaged and bullet hole riddled jacket, black shirt torso, grey shirt torso and grey shirt exposed endoskeleton torso. Or clean/bullet riddled pants, undamaged, exposed endoskeleton knee damaged leg. Plus ungloved, gloved and gloved with battle damaged hands. Unless they drastically raise the price compared to how many accessories the Freddy figure got, i can't see the T-800 coming with all of this.
Same with the T-1000, he has way more than 3 head variations and his wardrobe changes about 3 times in the film (and that's not counting the battle-damaged versions of said wardrobe).