Official NECA Terminator Thread

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I can't say that photo excites me all that much. I think these ultimate figures could be executed a little better. I mean really what are we getting with this? Newly articulated legs and a revolver?

Agreed. The only ultimate thing about them are the legs. While I appreciate the idea, they are just reissued figures pretty much. Ultimate to me shouldn't be extra heads and weapons, it'd be nice if they actually made improvements and had accuracy in mind. How about a hidden ab crunch in the torso? How about improved headsculpts or fists and relaxed hands? I dunno. The new legs are nice and I'll buy them, but those should have been on the older figures to begin with.

I kinda wish this Ultimate one had the bullet holes in the chest. I have the old tanker truck chase version but I don't feel like swapping torsos.

Someone asked about an Ultimate Kyle Reese and the answer was a little more positive than it has been in the past.

Since there's only been one figure of him an ''Ultimate'' Reese would necessarily feature previously unreleased parts - presumably a swappable jacket/arms for the coat he wears later in the film and a bandaged right hand. The pipe bombs would also seem like a given...if he happens.

We were close to an Ultimate a few years ago. They'll probably just use the articulated legs they were originally going to use for Reese.

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I agree Fabio, imo these need to be called re-issues instead lol.

At the very least they should've included;

-Alternate hands
-swappable torso
-more accurate head sculpts (even if they just re-sculpted the hair so it wasn't so short)
- Movie themed base (NECA got away from doing these, and I'm not sure why because they definitely add to the overall look when displayed)
Is there any more info on the die cast series? Cinemachines I think they were called. I was looking forward to add a few Hunter Killers to the collection.
FYI if you are near a FYE store and do not have the Genisys figs they have Pops (84 version) and T1000 on clearance ;)
Possible new sculpts in the NECA T2 3D figure tie-ins give me hope for John Connor. :)


Could just refer to possible new T-1000 sculpts - which I would also love to see - cleaved T-1000, Pretzel Man T-1000.

But yeah, T2 John if we're really lucky. Pescadero Sarah maybe.
NECA seems to care more about Terminator than other companies, maybe they'll surprise us.
It'd be great to get,

- John Connor
- Pescadero Sarah with swappable detachable arms for the denim jacket look
- Steel Mill T-1000 w/ alternate split chest and removable rod

Couldn't ask for much more than maybe a Cyberdyne escape T-800 with the gas grenade launcher or all new sculpts for the Terminator (assuming the upcoming quarter scale T-800 is an all new figure/sculpt with double hinged elbows and knees)
More pics of Ultimate T-800 on NECA's website. At first I thought they went with translucent skin but clearly it's just the lighting misleading my eyes. I think that skin tone would suit this line of figures well (would definitely give off that sweaty look he had in the film). Oh well.

Terminator – 7″ Action Figure – Ultimate T-800 (Police Station Assault)

Side note: Thinking back, my first exposure to the Terminator franchise was really T2, having watched it first on VHS in 91 or 92 at a friend's house. I was born in 86 so I didn't really get to watch T1 until after T2 since T2 was enormously popular then (ironically the same order of exposure I had to two of my other favorite films ever, Alien and Aliens). With T1 though, after seeing him as a bad ass hero figure in Judgement Day, I got the shock of my life and remember being absolute **** scared of the cold blooded killing machine Arnie was playing here. To get to the point, the police shootout scene has to be one of the most terrifying scenes of pure panic and slaughter ever filmed. An unstoppable killing machine mowing down people one by one. That is the stuff of nightmares.

The thing bugs me and something I noticed only a few years ago, even on the Blu-ray remastered version the damn shotgun makes assault rifle noises during the shootout. That's one sound goof that never got fixed. :lol