Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Better paint on the sunglasses....


The bike you have does look really cool, fantastic detail. My earlier post was not intended as a put down on your bike, just to clarify, although I don't think you took it as such.

No, I didn't take it as a put down at all.

Like you, I really wish the screen accurate bike was available but I finally gave up looking and decided to get the Harley.

I was just sharing some feedback that I have gotten on the display. Most people, who don't analyze the details like us, just think "hey, that looks like a little scene from the movie". :)
I'm surprised no one on twitter has asked about the possibility of T2 John since the Newt announcement. Maybe, like me, everyone's afraid of getting a direct 'No' answer.

We want to believe, rather than having it shot down.
The gloss finish on the sunglasses is better than the old figure's matte finish.

I don't like the headsculpt for the Police shootout head with gargoyles though. Doesn't look anything like Arnold or the sunglasses.
The paint on a NECA prototype doesn't matter though does it. That gloss finish on the Gargoyles could be matte when the figure is in our hands.
I bought another one to use the coat for that Sarah custom so I saw the packaging photos again - he looks reasonably Biehn-like in them. But on the figure itself, well, if it's the paint ruining the likeness boy does it really ruin it. I now have 2 samples and they both look like some kind of Alien.
I find the paint on the eyes really posessed looking or something, just bad. In photos where you don't see them as well and the facial features are highlighted, i see Biehn.
Someone asked about an Ultimate Kyle Reese and the answer was a little more positive than it has been in the past.

would love to at some point but no immediate plans & returning to T2 later this year for the 3D release

Since there's only been one figure of him an ''Ultimate'' Reese would necessarily feature previously unreleased parts - presumably a swappable jacket/arms for the coat he wears later in the film and a bandaged right hand. The pipe bombs would also seem like a given...if he happens.
Even though I have both the old ones, this is still a must-buy for me!


I can't say that photo excites me all that much. I think these ultimate figures could be executed a little better. I mean really what are we getting with this? Newly articulated legs and a revolver?
Yeah... But I was never a fan of the legs on those previous releases, so to me this is a big upgrade.

Hope I'm not seeing another case of one leg longer than the other like on Sarah Connor, it really bugs me on that figure.

Otherwise this is about what I knew to expect. I don't think they quite nailed the hair on these sculpts but I knew they probably wouldn't redo them. So anything new like the revolver is a bonus.

For the Tanker Truck pursuit version I suppose I'll swap the new legs onto the old body - assuming they're compatible - because that body has the chest and stomach wound.
Then two other figures will use the other 2 heads. I think that'll do it. 3 purchases.

It'd be nice if they'd make an eye-surgery figure, maybe it'll happen one day.