Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Good question. And will they ever do a T2 T-1000 with different scene specific bullet hits to his torso like the ones Sarah gives him before he heals and waves his finger at her? Will they ever sculpt one that has exit wounds on the back like the McFarlane one correctly did?

You give me more questions...when I need answers? *slowly pets evil cat* :lol
You give me more questions...when I need answers? *slowly pets evil cat* :lol



I dunno, they sorta made it unpredictable with the T2 Ultimates by including stuff with the first 2 figures that are from all over the film, maybe because they didn't know they were going to make more at that time. I can see them just repeating accessories from the other Ultimate T-1000 like the stabbing finger hands
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I dunno, they sorta made it unpredictable with the T2 Ultimates by including stuff with the first 2 figures that are from all over the film, maybe because they didn't know they were going to make more at that time. I can see them just repeating accessories from the other Ultimate T-1000 like the stabbing finger hands


That all makes sense. We'll have to wait and see. Your answer satisfies me, so you may live...for now :D
Hey guys, I'm buying a present and I was wondering which of the ultimate T-800 is the superior figure, the T1 or T2 version? Thanks!
As figures both are great, they're very well executed and pretty good QC, it all depends on whether the recipient of the present likes T1 or T2 better.

Thanks! I'll probably go with T1 then, there's always a lack of Tech Noir T-800.
Among the most vocal on SSF I'd say that's true. Although if it came to a poll T2 might still win.

All I will say on the subject is I love both T1 and T2, they are very different movies with a lot of similarities but very different and I'll leave it at that - lol.
Terminator was not pop culturally relevant until T2. I never saw any references to T1 in other 80's films or tv shows. That all changed after T2....the most popular and well known film in the franchise. It even go a theme park ride.
I like T1 more than T2 but T2 is the undisputed more popular film. :lol

I agree completely. I often wonder how much more love T1 would get if it was filmed to today's standards. Even though I wasn't thrilled with the changes they made to the movie when they released the remastered Blu-ray, blue lighting, "enhanced" sound, I wouldn't mind seeing cgi sfx.
I agree completely. I often wonder how much more love T1 would get if it was filmed to today's standards. Even though I wasn't thrilled with the changes they made to the movie when they released the remastered Blu-ray, blue lighting, "enhanced" sound, I wouldn't mind seeing cgi sfx.

If by today's standards you mean better special effects, better filmed action sequences, and a more "updated" score, then we already have the answer to that question, it's called T2.

Now, I know T1 has a slower pace, less impressive action, and it relies on a great villain, suspense and a slow build up like a horror film to be effective, but I think T1 and T2 share enough similarities to give us an idea of how popular and culturally impactfull a Terminator film with a large budget and updated special effects can be when it's no longer a "low budget" movie made by an inexperienced Director.

If by today's standards you mean 2016, then expect a lot of CGI and a quicker pace...I guess. :lol I'll take the original.:D
If by today's standards you mean better special effects, better filmed action sequences, and a more "updated" score, then we already have the answer to that question, it's called T2.

Now, I know T1 has a slower pace, less impressive action, and it relies on a great villain, suspense and a slow build up like a horror film to be effective, but I think T1 and T2 share enough similarities to give us an idea of how popular and culturally impactfull a Terminator film with a large budget and updated special effects can be when it's no longer a "low budget" movie made by an inexperienced Director.

If by today's standards you mean 2016, then expect a lot of CGI and a quicker pace...I guess. :lol I'll take the original.:D

I was only referring to sfx. I hear people say, "that looks so fake". They can't get past it. That's not the movie. It's so much more than some special effects. It's suspense, drama, horror and yes even a love story.

It doesn't need a faster pace. It's paced just perfectly.

I don't agree that an updated T1 would be T2. I love them both, but to me they're too different for a few changes to turn one into the other.
I was only referring to sfx. I hear people say, "that looks so fake". They can't get past it. That's not the movie. It's so much more than some special effects. It's suspense, drama, horror and yes even a love story.

It doesn't need a faster pace. It's paced just perfectly.

I don't agree that an updated T1 would be T2. I love them both, but to me they're too different for a few changes to turn one into the other.

That's one of the reasons I prefer T2, no romance...but it makes sense in T1.

However, I like to view the film from Kyle Reese 's point of view.I like to imagine that Kyle Reese is not really his name and he's not really from the future. He's just an eccentric billionaire who pretends to be a soldier from the future and he hires a bunch of actors, makeup artists, stuntman, and an Austrian bodybuilder to act like he's a robot.

All that with the sole purpose of picking up a random young lady and sleeping with her and then faking his death until he does it again with a different woman as part of some kind of sex adventure fantasy :lol

It's something I do with some films. :D