Official NECA Terminator Thread

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NECA ‏@NECA_TOYS 29m29 minutes ago
NECA Retweeted

we can make him but we don't have faith that a figure like that will perform well at retail hence Newt at SDCC etc

NECA added,

@NECA_TOYS How come you guys can't make an Edward Furlong John Connor figure again? Is it licensing, you don't think it would sell, or both?

Notice he doesn't say that they aren't making him. And the reference to Newt, together with that previous tease of the Endo-arm in the tube accessory, seems a pretty strong hint that they in fact are.......

...............but like Newt he's going to be an exclusive :gah:
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yes it would, seems very logical to include such a thing

in response to
skeleton arm would be a cool accessory. In the glass case, you know :wink1:

They've shown that accessory. All this is as close to a confirmation as we could possibly get without actually being a formal confirmation

Although PharOOO has asked if the Rosebox T-800 is part of a 2 pack with John Connor and the answer was a straightforward 'no'. I don't understand why they wouldn't go that route. Why does he have to be a single carded exclusive figure...
Would be very disappointing if John ends up like newt as an impossible to get exclusive.

"You can't miss" by scarrviper, on Flickr

Disappointing, yes. Also ironic that the one character the eluded Skynet, will also elude most of us :(

Instead of a two pack, Connor should come in a three pack Galleria set with the T 1000 on one side, the T 800 on the other, and little John front and center between both hero and villain. The cool packaging and hall backdrop makes it an instant buy for most fans.

I'm gonna go with that endo arm being apart of a Terminator accessory pack (with the rosebox, etc) or something dumb. There's no other way the endo arm could be incorporated with any other figure but John.

I hope to god that tweet is a swerve and John pops up at SDCC. *sigh*

...and NOT as an exclusive at a con.
Well, I guess it could go with Myles Dyson.

There would be even LESS interest in Dyson. I mean come on, John freaking Connor from T2 would sell well, and NECA thinks there isn't a market for him. Hell, I think he would definitely perform better than Newt at retail. If it's not with John, then the ONLY other figure I could possibly think of it being with is an Ultimate T1 Sarah Connor, but thats a BIG stretch.
There would be even LESS interest in Dyson. I mean come on, John freaking Connor from T2 would sell well, and NECA thinks there isn't a market for him. Hell, I think he would definitely perform better than Newt at retail. If it's not with John, then the ONLY other figure I could possibly think of it being with is an Ultimate T1 Sarah Connor, but thats a BIG stretch.
That's an interesting guess. Really hope that is it. I would buy Dyson, but I agree, it would be a poor choice.
When I rearranged my collection at the start of the year I put away 90% of my NECA Terminator collection, I only kept out T1 Reese, T1 Endo and T2 Ultimate Sarah Connor but got weak at the knees the other day and ordered the Ultimate Tech Noir figure :slap
When I rearranged my collection at the start of the year I put away 90% of my NECA Terminator collection, I only kept out T1 Reese, T1 Endo and T2 Ultimate Sarah Connor but got weak at the knees the other day and ordered the Ultimate Tech Noir figure :slap

It is is your destiny...
I don't care how we get John, as long as we get him. I'll help anyone here that needs the exclusive assuming they hit Toys R Us like all their other exclusives (past NECA SDCC exclusives have hit Toys R Us, there's no problem).

That retail stuff is nonsense. If they packed John right, I bet he'd do better than the likes of Bishop or Ripley's daughter. Hell, pack him with an Arnold and do a two pack.
The 2 pack idea seems like such a no-brainer I figure there's gotta be some reason they can't do it that way.

And I do care how we get him, I'd buy multiples of a normal release but if it's going to be a case of getting him on ebay at $60+ (probably not including shipping) I'll be forced to either scale back or take it right between the cheeks.
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Yup, wouldn't be a problem. Especially if you wanted a bunch of them loose without the package. Let's see what happens.

So far the prospect of John Connor is the only thing that's really exciting for me. Their plans so far seem to be nothing but reuse.
Well, I've sold my Terminator HTs, and most of my Preds...5 figs away from an HT-free life! (Got frustrated at the snails pace of Alien/Predator releases and the prices.)

Sticking to high-end statues and 7 inch NECAs for the Alien, Predator and Terminator urges.

Will dabble in other licenses too, seeing as it's affordable. McFarlanes Matrix stuff looks great.

Nice feeling being able to get all the characters you want fairly quickly! Excited by the AvP line, and NECAs Terminator line looks great. Ripley looks like crap though; but A3 version better.

Question; which is the best Endo???